폭격 난민촌서 구출된 새끼 사자들의 가슴 뭉클한 포옹 The cutest cat nap ever: Brother and sister lion cubs rescued from Gaza refugee camp curl up together as they settle into new lifeTwo lion cubs..(VIDEO)

The cutest cat nap ever: Brother and sister lion cubs rescued from Gaza refugee camp curl up together as they settle into new lifeTwo lion cubs were living inside 'cramped' flat in Gaza Strip refugee camp 

Max and Mona, two lion cubs rescued from a refugee camp in Gaza, have been pictured curled up together as they adjust to their new life in a rescue centre in Jordan

Max and Mona were rescued and are now at a medical centre in Jordan

Being treated for skin disease before going to permanent home in zoo

Brother and sister have been pictured sleeping curled up with one another 

가자지구 난민캠프의 비좁은 아파트에서 생활해 오던 새끼 사자 2마리가 마침내 보호소로 옮겨진 가운데, 서로를 포옹하고 있는 사진이 공개돼 뭉클한 감동을 주고 있다.

지난해 여름 이스라엘군이 가자지구의 라파 동물원을 공습할 당시 새끼 사자인 ‘모나’와 ‘맥스’는 간신히 목숨을 건졌지만 지낼 곳이 마땅치 않았다. 가자지구에서 생활하던 팔레스타인인 사드 알든 알 자말(Saad Aldeen Al-Jamal)은 동물원 주인에게 1000만 원 이상의 돈을 쥐어주고 새끼 사자들을 자신의 거처로 데려왔다.

지난 9개월간 알-자말과 모나, 맥스는 한 가족으로 지내왔지만 문제는 새끼 사자들이 커가면서 이웃 주민들의 불만도 커져갔다는 사실이다. 새끼 사자들의 끼니와 건강을 위해 지출하는 비용이 만만치 않은 것도 문제 중 하나였다.

그러던 중 영국 동물보호단체인 ‘포포스(Four Paws)’가 알-자말과 새끼 사자들의 소식을 접하고 3개월 전 그를 찾아갔다. 몸 곳곳에 폭격의 상처가 여전한 사자들을 더 나은 환경에서 살 수 있게 해주겠다며 알-자말을 설득했고, 그는 결국 가족과도 같은 새끼 사자들을 요르단으로 떠나보내기로 결정했다.

포포스 전문가들을 따라 요르단에 도착한 새끼 사자 두 마리는 현지 생활에 완벽하게 적응한 듯 평화롭게 눈을 감고 서로를 포옹하고 있는 모습의 사진이 공개돼 보는 이들의 마음을 뭉클하게 했다.

넓은 우리 안에서 나란히 한 물통에 머리를 숙이고 물을 마시는 모습도 함께 공개된 가운데, 포포스 전문가들은 이들의 피부가 심하게 벗겨져 있거나 부어올라 있는 등 부상이 심상치 않다고 판단하고 곧장 치료를 시작한 것으로 알려졌다.

새끼 사자를 9개월 간 돌본 알-자말은 “나뿐만 아니라 함께 사자를 돌봐 온 내 아이들 5명이 매우 슬퍼했다”면서 “이 새끼 사자들은 다른 이들에게 절대 해를 끼치지 않는다는 느낌이 들었다. 정든 사자들을 떠나보내는 일이 매우 힘들었다”고 심경을 전했다.

 [서울신문 나우뉴스] 송혜민 기자huimin0217@seoul.co.kr

By Chris Pleasance and Jay Akbar For Mailonline 

Found in squalid conditions inside a Gaza refugee camp, this is the adorable moment brother and sister lion cubs curled up for a nap together after being rescued by animal activists.

Once raised as pets by a Palestinian man in his cramped flat where they were allowed to play with his six grandchildren, the pair are now being raised in a rescue centre in Jordan.

Now, new images of Max and Mona show the close bond that has grown between the brother and sister as they snuggle up together for a nap in their new home. 

Scroll down for videos 

The pair were bought by Palestinian man Saad Aldeen Al-Jamal as 'treats' for his six grandchildren, and were being raised in the family's cramped flat until they were rescued

The pair were bought by Palestinian man Saad Aldeen Al-Jamal as 'treats' for his six grandchildren, and were being raised in the family's cramped flat until they were rescued

Initial medical checks revealed the pair were suffering from skin disease, and Mona (left) has swelling on her head believed to have been caused by a stroke which is now being treated

Initial medical checks revealed the pair were suffering from skin disease, and Mona (left) has swelling on her head believed to have been caused by a stroke which is now being treated

The animals initially belonged to Rafah Zoo, but after the complex was badly damaged during airstrikes, they were sold for £6,000 to local Saad Aldeen Al-Jamal back in March.

At just two months old they were taken back to his flat, where they lived among the family who desperately tried to care for them.

However, they quickly outgrew their home, becoming increasingly dangerous, and developing diseases due to the unsuitable environment.
When they were finally saved from the flat by veterinarian Amir Khalil, working with animal welfare group Four Paws, health checks revealed their skin was badly damaged and Mona had swelling on the back of her head, believed to have come from a stroke. 
Saved: Two lion cubs (pictured) have been rescued from a refugee camp in embattled Gaza Strip, where they were being raised inside a small flat

Saved: Two lion cubs (pictured) have been rescued from a refugee camp in embattled Gaza Strip, where they were being raised inside a small flat

Beasts: Max and Mona posed an 'ever-increasing risk' to the people of the camp in Gaza Strip, according to the activists who rescued them

Beasts: Max and Mona posed an 'ever-increasing risk' to the people of the camp in Gaza Strip, according to the activists who rescued them

Dream come true: Saad al-Jamal (pictured) bought the lion cubs from cash-strapped zoo for around £6,000 in March - when they were just two months old

Dream come true: Saad al-Jamal (pictured) bought the lion cubs from cash-strapped zoo for around £6,000 in March - when they were just two months old

Growing: Even at the tender age of two-months-old (pictured in March), the cubs were almost too large for his grandchildren to hold 

Growing: Even at the tender age of two-months-old (pictured in March), the cubs were almost too large for his grandchildren to hold 

Al-Jamal, who purchased the cubs from Rafah zoo, said it was his lifetime ambition to someday own a lion.

Astonishing footage from March showed them running around and play-fighting outside al-Jamal's home in Rafah, in the south of Gaza Strip.

To counter the rising cost of their food and welfare, he planned to lease them to parks, restaurants and seaside resorts once they began to grow. 

A team from the animal welfare group made the long and perilous journey from Jordan, via Israel, to Gaza knowing there was no guarantee they could convince al-Jamal to part with the cubs. 

Heartwarming rescue of lion cubs from Gaza refugee camp
Injured: Medical checks revealed both lion cubs were suffering from skin disease and Shalom (left) had 'considerable swelling' from what was likely a 'bump on the head'

Injured: Medical checks revealed both lion cubs were suffering from skin disease and Shalom (left) had 'considerable swelling' from what was likely a 'bump on the head'

Happy: The lion cubs are currently being home in the New Hope Centre in Jordan before they are transferred to the country's Al-Ma'wa Wildlife Sanctuary in Autumn

Happy: The lion cubs are currently being home in the New Hope Centre in Jordan before they are transferred to the country's Al-Ma'wa Wildlife Sanctuary in Autumn

They were refused entry into the war-torn region entirely at first, and had to spend the night in so-called 'no-mans-land'.

They next morning, after hours of intense negotiations, they were granted permission to enter by Hamas - the Palestinian Islamic group which is branded a terrorist organisation by the European Union. 

A small flat is not an appropriate place for wild animals and they pose a danger to all humans in their surroundings
Dr Amir Khalil, Four Paws vet

They faced severe opposition from the cubs' owner who had grown very attached to the animals but he eventually saw reason, said Four Paws' vet.

Dr Amir Khalil added: 'It was very hard for the father of the family, who bought the lion cubs from Rafah zoo in March, to say goodbye.

'But a small flat is not an appropriate place for wild animals and they pose a danger to all humans in their surroundings.'

Once they arrived back in Jordan, Alex and Mona were renamed Salam and Shalom and given a quick medical check which revealed they were both suffering from skin disease.

And Shalom, the female, had 'considerable swelling' on the back of her head which was probably from a 'bump on the head'. 

Dangerous: Incredible footage from March showed the young cubs playing outside al-Jamal's home in Gaza but 'a small flat is not an appropriate place for wild animals', Four Paws has said

Dangerous: Incredible footage from March showed the young cubs playing outside al-Jamal's home in Gaza but 'a small flat is not an appropriate place for wild animals', Four Paws has said

Heartbroken: Dr Amir Khalil added: 'It was very hard for the father of the family (pictured), who bought the lion cubs from Rafah zoo in March, to say goodbye

Heartbroken: Dr Amir Khalil added: 'It was very hard for the father of the family (pictured), who bought the lion cubs from Rafah zoo in March, to say goodbye

Gift: Saad al-Jamal, who bought the cubs as 'treats' for his grandchildren (pictured), said it was his lifetime ambition to adopt lions

Gift: Saad al-Jamal, who bought the cubs as 'treats' for his grandchildren (pictured), said it was his lifetime ambition to adopt lions

Both animals will now be treated at their spacious new home at the New Hope Center in Jordan before they are transferred to their permanent home in the country's Al-Ma'wa Wildlife Sanctuary in Autumn.  

Dr. Khalil said: 'It was very hard for the father of the family, who bought the lion cubs from Rafah Zoo in March, to say goodbye. But we are very happy and he finally saw the reason.

'A small flat is not an appropriate place for wild animals and they pose a danger to all humans in their surroundings. They didn't really realise the whole turmoil evolving around them. 

Despite the tiny size of the Gaza Strip, the densely populated region is home to around 40 big cats and the smuggling of exotic animals is a 'major problem' there.

Even Shalom and Salam's parents are thought to have been smuggled to Rafah Zoo as cubs by underground tunnels stretching from Egypt into Gaza.  

In September 2014, Four Paws carried out an emergency mission to the heavily-damaged Al-Bisan Zoo in the north of the Gaza Strip - and transferred three lions to the New Hope Center 

And in April, a team carried out a relief operation to provide vital medical treatment and food to  the animals in the run-down Khan Younis Zoo.


edited by kcontents 

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