'줄리아 베르나르델리'의 독특한 그림 세계 Artist Creates Whimsical Paintings Using Spilled Food
Artist Creates Whimsical Paintings Using Spilled Food
이태리 아티스트 '줄리아 베르나르델리'는 음식 재료를 사용해
놀랄만한 작품들을 만들어낸다.
커피를 엎어 스픈으로 각종 그림을 그려내고 커피잔에 남은
찌꺼기로 멋진 초상화를 그리기도 한다.
남들 보기에 다소 성의도 없고 우연적인 그림으로 보일 수도
있지만 사실은 '줄리아 베르나르델리'의 놀라운 기술의 결과다.
by Ki Chul Hwang
Conpaper Editor Distributor
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Posted by Sara Barnes
Trading ink for coffee, Giulia Bernardelli creates stunning works of art using food as her medium. The Italian artist produces intricate paintings that look as though they’ve been created by spills or drippings from a spoon. Portraits, animals, and sprawling seas appear so effortlessly crafted that they look like they were just happenstance. But, it’s the ease of these whimsical compositions that truly showcases Bernardelli’s incredible skill.
Bernardelli has the gift of imagining a material’s potential, transforming it into something remarkable. She doesn’t plan her work in advance and instead trusts her instincts. “For example,” she tells Huffington Post France, “when I drink coffee, I reflect on the nuances that I could create if I flipped it on the table. At breakfast, I can imagine the footprints left by a cat who walked into the jam."
For more delectable paintings, follow Bernardelli on her Instagram, @bernulia.
Giulia Bernardelli: Instagram
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