새로운 전기 맞이한 파나마 운하 확장공사 Panama Canal Pacific locks filled(VIDEO)

The new locks on the Pacific side of the Panama Canal have been filled for the first time.

파나마 운하 태평양 측 갑문에 처음으로 바닷물이 채워졌다.

파나마 운하 확장  우측이 기존 운하다.

Tugboats help a barge transporting the last rolling gate for the new locks on the Pacific side of the 

Panama Canal through the Miraflores locks in Panama City on December 10, 2014

작년 12월, 태평양 측 새 갑문의 마지막 롤링케이트가 바지에 의해 운반되고 있다

[관련기사]Related Article

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케이콘텐츠 편집

 이제 새로운 전환 시점에 이른 '파나마 운하 확장공사'

태평양 측에 새로운 운하에 물을 채운 것이다. 이달 초 대서양 측 운하에 물이 채워진 후 다음 단계로 이루어진 조치다.

인도 시점은 3개월 후, 
올 3월에 설치된 운하 갑문의 응력테스트 등 여러 시험 과정을 거쳐야 하기 때문이다.

길이는 약 400m가 늘어나며 14,000TEU급의 선박의 통행이 가능해진다. 5월말 현재 약 90%의 공정율를 보이고 있으며 내년말 완공 예정이다.

토공량 5천만m3, 콘크리트 타설량이 5백만m3, 29만톤의 강철이 사용됐으며 만명이상의 근로자가 일해 왔다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

Panama Canal Pacific locks filled

Panama Canal Expansion plan 

Written by Chris Sleight - 24 Jun 2015

The Project to increase the shipping capacity of the Panama Canal has reached another milestone, with the filling of the new locks on the Pacific side. This followed the filling of the Atlantic locks earlier this month.

The Commissioning of the new locks is expected to take 90 days, and will include stress testing of the lock gates which were installed in March. Each lock complex includes three chambers, nine water-saving basins with a filling and emptying side system and rolling gates.

The construction consortium responsible for the work,  Grupo Unidos por el Canal (GUPC), comprises Sacyr of Spain, Salini-Impregilo of Italy, Jan De Nul of Belgium and Constructora Urban, SA (CUSA) of Panama.

Completion of the project is due next year, and the expansion of the canal will allow 400 m long, 14,000 container capacity ‘post-Panamax’ ships to use the channel. According to the client, the Panama Canal Authority (ACP), the expansion project was 89.8% complete as of the end of May.

Salini Impregilo added that the project had seen the excavation of 50 million m3 of material, the pouring of 5 million m3 of concrete, the use of 290,000 tonnes of steel and employed more than 10,000 workers. .

edited by kcontents 

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