일 소프트 뱅크 등, 인도에 대규모 신재생에너지 프로젝트 투자 Japan's SoftBank invests in India solar project(VIDEO)

200억불 규모, 대만과 인도회사 공동 참여

20기가와트  태양광 및 풍력발전소를 건설

Japanese firm SoftBank will team up with Taiwan's Foxconn and India's Bharti Enterprises 

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집

일본의 소프트 뱅크가 인도의 대규모 신재생에너지 프로젝트에 투자한다.

투자규모는 200억불 규모로 대만의 폭스콘과 인도의 바르티사가 공동 참여하며

총 20기가와트  태양광 및 풍력발전소를 건설하게 된다.

인도는 에너지원 중 석탄이 60%의 비중을 차지하고 있다.

모디 수상은 전기 혜택을 못받는 3억명을 위한 청정에너지가 공급되기를 바라고 있다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터


Japan's SoftBank invests in India solar project

  Japanese firm SoftBank will team up with Taiwan's Foxconn and India's Bharti Enterprises to invest $20bn (£12bn) in solar projects in India. 

The Tokyo-based mobile giant said the project aimed to generate 20GW (gigawatts) of energy through solar and wind power plants.

India relies on highly pollutant coal for 60% of its energy needs.

But prime minister Narendra Modi wants clean energy to help bring electricity to 300 million people without power. 

SoftBank's founder, Masayoshi Son, made the latest announcement in Delhi, flanked by Sunil Bharti Mittal, chairman of Bharti Enterprises, India's biggest wireless provider.

"With this partnership, our goal is to create a market-leading clean energy company, to fuel India's growth with clean and renewable sources of energy," Mr Son said in a press release.

Mr Son said his company would help manufacture solar equipment in India, adding that SoftBank has invested $1bn in the country in the last nine months.

"The sunshine in India is twice that of Japan. Cost of land and labour and maintenance is also half that of Japan. So then, the efficiency of solar power generation is likely to be four times compared to that in Japan," he told the CNBC TV18 channel.

Mr Modi has insisted that his commitment to increase India's renewable energy supplies is not aimed at "impressing the world" following international pressure to cut greenhouse gas emissions. 

edited by kcontents 

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