기발한 아이디어 '기대는 의자' Lean back, not in: Bizarre cross between a standing desk and padded chair..(VIDEO)

Lean back, not in: 

Bizarre cross between a standing desk and padded chair could keep workers more relaxed during the day

$255 (£163) LeanChair invented by software developer Wayne Yeager

It claims to takes around 25 per cent of the weight off the user's legs

It has built-in swing-arm work-surface for user's laptop or keyboard

보시다시피 앉는 의자라 아니라 기대는 의자다.

이 기발한 아이디어를 개발한 '웨인 예거'는 사용자의 다리에 

체중의 25%정도만 전달된다고 설명하고 있다.

이 의자에는 자유자재로 각도를 조정할 수 있는 스윙암 데스크도 

설치되어 있다.

가격은 225불(한화 약 25만원)

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터


Scientists believe that sitting for too long can be as dangerous to your health as smoking.

It more than doubles your risk of diabetes and is linked with an increase in heart disease.

But standing up for long periods can be uncomfortable and distracting.

Now one inventor believes he has come up with a solution; a cross between a standing desk and padded chair.

Scroll down for video 

Sitting down can be bad for health, but standing up for long periods is uncomfortable.  Now one inventor believes he has come up with a solution; a cross between a standing desk and chair dubbed LeanChair

Sitting down can be bad for health, but standing up for long periods is uncomfortable.  Now one inventor believes he has come up with a solution; a cross between a standing desk and chair dubbed LeanChair


Dubbed LeanChair, the device claims to reduce the risks associated with sitting while still taking some of the standing weight off your legs.


Whe LeanChair takes around 25 per cent of the weight off the user's legs, making it more comfortable than standing desks

Whe LeanChair takes around 25 per cent of the weight off the user's legs, making it more comfortable than standing desks

A Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign is underway for the LeanChair. Individuals who pledge $255 (£163) will receive one of the units

A Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign is underway for the LeanChair. Individuals who pledge $255 (£163) will receive one of the units


‘Working while standing up is a lot easier said than done. You can force yourself to do it, and fight through the physical pain, but that's just part of the problem.’

Yeager claims the LeanChair takes around 25 per cent of the weight off the user's legs, making it more comfortable than standing desks.

It also has built-in swing-arm work-surface for the user's laptop or keyboard.


You might think a daily visit to the gym would be enough to make up for those hours spent lounging in front of the TV.

But a study has found that middle-aged women who spend too long sitting down are at greater risk of health problems – no matter how much exercise they do.

Those who are inactive for more than 11 hours a day are 12 per cent more likely to die prematurely than if they stayed still for four hours or less.

They are also at 27 per cent greater risk of dying from heart disease and a fifth more likely to die of cancer.

The US team said their findings show even those who exercise regularly are at risk.

‘The assumption has been if you are fit and physically active, that will protect you, even if you spend a huge amount of time sitting each day,’ said study author Rebecca Seguin of New York’s Cornell University.

‘In fact, in doing so you are far less protected from negative health effects of being sedentary than you realise.’ 

The back support is adjustable and is available in four standard colours: black, brown, tan and white.

A Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign is underway for the LeanChair. Individuals who pledge $255 (£163) will receive one of the units.

If the campaign is successful, shipping is expected from November this year.

‘When I built my first LeanChair, I built it just for myself,’ said Yeager.

‘I never imagined that I'd be trying to convince the world how awesome leaning is. But here we are.’

‘When I built my first LeanChair, I built it just for myself,’ said Wayne Yeager (left). ‘I never imagined that I'd be trying to convince the world how awesome leaning is. But here we are’
‘When I built my first LeanChair, I built it just for myself,’ said Wayne Yeager (left). ‘I never imagined that I'd be trying to convince the world how awesome leaning is. But here we are’

‘When I built my first LeanChair, I built it just for myself,’ said Wayne Yeager (left). ‘I never imagined that I'd be trying to convince the world how awesome leaning is. But here we are’


The top of the work surface is coated in a black grippy-rubber material to hold your keyboard or laptop

The top of the work surface is coated in a black grippy-rubber material to hold your keyboard or laptop


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