중국의 버려진 어촌마을, 자연의 힘으로 되살다 Abandoned Fishing Village in China Reclaimed by Nature
양츠강 초입의 작은 섬에 있는 이 어촌 마을은 온통 겹겹이 덩쿨들에 의해
싸여 있다.
마을 이름은 '호우토우 완'
구기섬에 있는 작은 마을이다. 지금은 폐허가 되어 있다.
중국 저장성 동쪽에 위치해 있는 성쓰섬으로 알려진 394개의 섬 중 하나다.
현재 이 어촌 마을은 경제난으로 주민들이 버리고 떠나 텅 비어있는 상태다.
마치 사람들이 살고 있을 법한 이 마을을 한 사진작가가 방문해 카메라에 담았다.
by Ki Chul Hwang
Conpaper Editor Distributor
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Posted by Jenny Zhang
In the mouth of the Yangtze River off the eastern coast of China, a small island holds a secret haven lost to the forces of time and nature—an abandoned fishing village swallowed by dense layers of ivy slowly creeping over every brick and path. Houtou Wan Village is located on Gouqi Island, which belongs to a group of 394 islands known as the Shengsi Islands in the Zhoushan Archipelago. It's one of many examples of small villages in China that have become ghost towns due to urbanization, inaccessibility, depletion of resources, and shifts in industry, among other factors.
Once a thriving settlement merely half a century ago, Houtou Wan Village was gradually deserted when the small bay could no longer meet the needs of the increasing number of fishing boats. Over the past few decades, nature has reclaimed the land, turning the village into a hauntingly beautiful wonderland devoid of human presence save for wandering tourists and a handful of elderly residents who refuse to leave their birthplace.
Above photo credit: Jane Qing
Photo credit: Jane Qing
Photo credit: Jane Qing
Photo credit: Jane Qing
Photo credit: Jane Qing
Photo credit: Jane Qing
Photo credit: Xie Yixuan
Photo credit: Xie Yixuan
Photo credit: 晴天下微笑的绿蓑衣
Photo credit: 晴天下微笑的绿蓑衣
Photo credit: 晴天下微笑的绿蓑衣
Photo credit: sccai6069
via [Bored Panda], [Amusing Planet], [zhenxuan]
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