레고로 만든 모나리자 Artist uses up to 17,000 Lego bricks to recreate famous paintings including the Mona Lisa and Girl with a Pearl Earring

It's not child's play: Artist uses up to 17,000 Lego bricks to recreate famous paintings including the Mona Lisa and Girl with a Pearl Earring 

Familiar: Artist Peter Laven recreated Leonardo da Vinci's the Mona Lisa using hundreds of lego bricks

Artist Peter Laven spends hours making the modern replicas

Collection includes da Vinci's Mona Lisa and Edvard Munch's 

Uses a maximum of 24 colors and spends three weeks on each classic 

이 그림들은 어린아이들의 미술 작품이 아니다.

아티스트 피터 라벤은 17,000개의 레고를 이용해 유명 미술작품의 

모사작업에 많은 시간을 들여왔다.

그의 작품에는 다빈치의 '모나리자'와 에드바르트 뭉크의 '절규'도 

포함되어 있다. 작업에 24가지의 색을 사용하며 작품당 3주가 소요된다.

정교한 색의 조합이 관건이다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터


They are famous masterpieces as you have never seen them before - made entirely from Lego.

Artist Peter Laven, 27, has recreated distinctive works of art using thousands of the tiny plastic toy pieces to make everything from The Mona Lisa to The Scream.

His other famous masterpieces include Vermeer's 'Girl with a Pearl Earring' and 'The Milkmaid' as well as distinctive Japanese work 'The Great Wave'. 

Incredible likeness: Laven's version of the Girl with a Pearl Earring by 17th-century Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer

Incredible likeness: Laven's version of the Girl with a Pearl Earring by 17th-century Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer

Peter, who comes from Texas and uses the artist name Morphy, said: 'Lego bricks are the only paint I need.

'For practical and aesthetic reasons I limit myself to a maximum of 24 colors per mosaic and 128 studs in either direction - sometimes less is more.


'I don't modify the Lego bricks in any way. A mischievous person could pull the bricks off to build something else if they so desired.'

He glues baseplates onto plywood and then fixes the Lego bricks on, exactly as they come in the packet.

'Under the Wave off Kanagawa' or The Great Wave is probably the most iconic Japanese artwork in the world, re-created here with lego

'Under the Wave off Kanagawa' or The Great Wave is probably the most iconic Japanese artwork in the world, re-created here with lego

The Scream: A Lego version of the painting by expressionist artist Edvard Munch between 1893 and 1910

The Scream: A Lego version of the painting by expressionist artist Edvard Munch between 1893 and 1910

But with every lego stud costing between 30 and 50 cents, even the smallest works are for sale for $125.

'It takes about three weeks to put together one piece. My design process is rather slow and I place every piece by hand.

'I'm also someone who pays attention to things so I even make sure that all the logos are facing the same way.'

Lego depictions of classics the Lady With an Ermine Tail by Leonardo and the Milkmaid, by Vermeer
Lego depictions of classics the Lady With an Ermine Tail by Leonardo and the Milkmaid, by Vermeer

Modern day classics: Lego depictions of the Lady With an Ermine Tail by Leonardo and the Milkmaid, by Vermeer

Close-up: The pink, orange, brown, black, gray, green and white bricks can me seen in this close up of the Lady With an Ermine Tail

Close-up: The pink, orange, brown, black, gray, green and white bricks can me seen in this close up of the Lady With an Ermine Tail


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