스페인의 복원된 '마타베네로' 에코빌리지 'Photographer Unearths a Rare Community of People Living in Harmony with Nature

사진작가 'Kevin Faingnaert'  

그는 스페인 북서부 산악지의 에코빌리지인 '마타베네로'를 방문했다.

자연을 사랑하는 사람들의 삶을 찍기 위해서다.

'마타베네로'는 1989년 세간에 알려지기 전에 거의 폐허나 다름 없었다.

국제피플그룹은  이 지역을 복원하기 위한 허가를 스페인 당국에 요청했다.

당시에 아무것도 없었지만 지속적인 에코빌리지 건설 노력에 지금의 친환경 

마을이 조성됐다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

*관련사이트 Related Site

Life in Matavenero ecoVillage, Spain



Posted by Anna Gragert

Photographer Kevin Faingnaert ventured to Matavenero, a remote ecovillage high up in the isolated mountains of Northwest Spain, to photograph its nature-loving people. Over the course of the artist's enlightening stay, he had the opportunity to not only meet the village's inhabitants, but also learn more about their vision for a sustainable lifestyle.

These intimate interactions resulted in a series depicting personal portraits and natural landscapes that are both raw and captivating. Each image captures the essence of the Matavenero way of life by showcasing the beauty of Mother Nature from the perspective of these eco-conscious individuals. When observing the unembellished photographs, it is almost as if viewers are taken to a world where nature is allowed to retain its wild and free state of being.

Before these villagers populated Matavenero in 1989, it was actually an abandoned piece of property. Unlike other occupied villages in Spain, this group of international people managed to get permission from local authorities to resettle in the area. At the time, it was ruined, overgrown, and without road access, but the eco-friendly crowd soon created gardens for food, cleared old paths, rebuilt ruined homes, and installed a cable transport system to invite more people into their newly designed neighborhood. Ultimately, the main goal of this nature-loving town, which also united the likeminded individuals, was that they all wanted to create a sustainable community where humans could live in harmony with nature.


Kevin Faingnaert's Website
Matavenero Website
via [iGNANTNatural Homes]

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