오만 '라스 마르카즈 원유 터미널 프로젝트' 발주 Bidders invited for 1,600ha Oman crude oil park

1,600ha, 총 2억배럴 규모 

1단계, 이달 29일까지 PQ마감

Oman crude oil park

[관련기사]Related Article

Amec wins crude oil FEED contract


edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집


   오만 국영석유회사(OOC)의 자회사인 오만탱크터미널(OTTCO)이 오만 우스타 해안의 라스 마르카즈의 크루드오일 터미널 프로젝트에 대한 PQ일정을 공개했다고 현지언론이 보도했다.

오만 국영석유회사(OOC)와 타카물투자회사는 라스 마르카즈 원유 터미널 프로젝트를 BOO로 추진하기 위하여 90대10의 지분으로 새로운 회사인 오만 탱크터미널사(OTTCO: Oman Tank Terminal Co.)를 지난 1월 설립한 바 있다.

턴키 방식으로 추진되는 라스 마르카즈(Ras Markaz)오일터미널은 중동에서는 가장 큰 규모인 2억 배럴의 원유를 저장할 수 있는 1600ha규모의 터미널을 두쿰항 근처의 라스 마르카즈(Ras Markaz)에 건설하는 사업으로 25백만 배럴 규모의 1단계 사업이 2018년 말까지이며 440킬로미터의 파이프라인을 연결하는 공사도 포함되어 있다

FEED(Front-end engineering design)*는 영국의 아멕포스토휠러사(Amec Foster Wheeler사)가 선정됐으며 본래 EPC사가 시공전에 시행해야할 프로젝트의 육상 및 해상부분에 대한 사전 기술 검토도 함께 수행할 예정이다. 

입찰 참여 회사의 PQ 제출 마감일은 6월 29일까지다. 

*FEED(Front-end engineering design)

프로젝트 확정이전 프로젝트기간, 비용, 기술사와 사업주의 요구사항을 설계에 반영하는 단계

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor @conpaper 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

Bidders invited for 1,600ha Oman crude oil park

Phase 1 of Ras Markaz is due to come on-stream by the end of 2018. 


 Oman Tank Terminal Company (OTTCO) has opened prequalification for a crude oil terminal project at Ras Markaz on Oman’s Wusta coast.

OTTCO, a joint venture Oman Oil Company (90%) and its downstream investment subsidiary, Takamul Investment Company (10%), is looking to invite international energy infrastructure contractors to work on the project.

Ras Markaz Crude Oil Park will span an area of 1,600ha, and will be located 70km south of the Duqm Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Oman’s new industrial and maritime hub. The oil park’s capacity will be 200m barrels of crude, and the target capacity for the project’s first phase – due to come on-stream by the end of 2018 – is 25m barrels.

The contract entails detailed engineering design, procurement, construction, pre-commissioning and commissioning, on a lump sum turnkey basis.

Front-end engineering design (FEED) work on the venture is being carried out by UK-based global oil and gas engineering firm Amec Foster Wheeler. Both onshore and offshore elements of the project are being incorporated into the FEED, although the successful EPC contractor will have to come up with a detailed engineering design before undertaking the construction of the first phase.

OTTCO's invitation to international engineering firms to prequalify for the construction phase highlights “the Omani government's determination to press ahead with the implementation of the project despite the continuing slump in international crude oil prices”, local publication Oman Daily Observer said.

Ras Markaz terminal is expected to serve as an alternative to Oman's only crude oil export terminal currently in operation at Mina al Fahal in Muscat.

According to the daily, a separate pipeline will connect the Ras Markaz terminal with a new $6bn refinery currently in the early stages of execution at Duqm SEZ.

The 230,000 barrels per day capacity refinery is being developed by Duqm Refinery and Petrochemical Industries, a 50:50 joint venture partnership of Oman Oil Company and IPIC of Abu Dhabi, the report added.

Qualified international firms have until June 29, 2015 to register their interest in bidding for the crude oil terminal construction package.


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