미 질병관리본부(CDC), 한국 메르스 "여행 금지시킬 상황 아냐" U.S. CDC issues travel notice about MERS outbreak in S. Korea

미 질병관리본부(CDC), 

메르스 한국 여행 유의사항 발표

메르스는 약한 바이러스

출처 kr.sputniknews.com



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케이콘텐츠 편집

  미 질병관리본부(CDC)가 메르스 상황에 따른 한국 여행 시 주의 사항을 홈페이지를 통해 밝혔다.

CDC는 현재 한국의 메르스 상황은 레벨1 또는 워치(주시) 상태로 3단계 관리에서 가장 낮은 수준이으로 평상시의 사전 주의단계이며 여행을 금지시킬정도의 상황은 아니라고 언급했다.

통상 레벨 2는 사전주의 상태의 강화를 의미하며 레벨 3는 여행을 금지시킬 수 있는  단계다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor @conpaper 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

U.S. CDC issues travel notice about MERS outbreak in S. Korea 


  WASHINGTON, June 8 (Yonhap) -- The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention has issued a travel notice about the outbreak of the Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome (MERS) in South Korea.

The notice, posted on the CDC website Friday, put South Korea in the "Level 1" or "Watch" category, the lowest of the three-step advisory system, which calls for practicing usual precautions and does not advise against traveling to the country.

Level 2 calls for enhanced precautions and Level 3 calls for avoiding nonessential travel.

"On May 20, the Republic of Korea reported its first laboratory confirmed case of Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome (MERS). As of June 5, 36 cases in the Republic of Korea have been confirmed by the World Health Organization, all linked to healthcare facilities with a confirmed MERS case," the CDC said in the notice.

"All travelers can take these everyday actions to help prevent the spread of germs and protect against colds, flu, and other illnesses, including MERS," such as washing hands often with soap and avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth and avoiding close contact with sick people, it said.



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