바다를 반으로 절단한 듯한 신비한 생태계의 사진들 Gorgeous Photos Simultaneously Capture Life Above and Below Sea Level
호주 사진작가 매튜 스미스 작품 '위/아래(Over/Under)'
그는 바다 수면 위와 아래의 생태계의 신비로운 모습을 동시에 잡아냈다.
이 놀랄만한 사진 작품에서 수면 위로는 해지는 모습과 나무, 갈매기들
아래에는 해파리 산호, 물고기 떼들의 모습들이 잡혀있다.
이런 사진들은 카메라의 독특한 사진 기법을 보여주고 있는데
빛과 촛점의 차이로 이런 효과를 낼 수 있다.
매튜는 수면 밑에서 스트로브를 사용하는데 이는 낮은 콘트라스트로
어두운 부분을 좀더 밝게하는 효과를 낼 수 있다. .
by Ki Chul Hwang
Conpaper Editor Distributor @conpaper
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Posted by Sara Barnes
In Australian photographer Matthew (Matty) Smith’s series Over/Under, he simultaneously captures life above and below sea level. The gorgeous shots showcase our familiar world of sunsets, trees, and seagulls in the top halves of the photos, while the bottom portions feature intriguing sights of jellyfish, coral, and schools of fish.
Photographing these types of images present some unique technical challenges. There’s a difference in lighting and focus between the two areas, so Smith uses a strobe light for the underwater part of the photo. It helps mitigate the darker scenery with its low contrast and saturation.
Diving is a big part of Smith’s life and photographic practice. He sees Over/Under as a way to share his experiences with a non-diver. “I think it’s [diving] the suspense of the unknown of what lies beneath, the transitional part of moving from one element to the next that feels so magical and the thought of what alien creatures I might encounter,” he writes. “I try to convey to the viewer that majestic feeling in a picture format. It’s maybe the best way I can communicate to a non-diver what it’s all about, to marry a wet and unfamiliar world with a dry and more familiar one.”
Matty Smith website
via [Faith is Torment]
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