롯데그룹, 뉴욕 맨해튼 더 뉴욕 팰리스 호텔 인수 South Korea's Lotte Group buys New York hotel for $805 million

롯데그룹은 미국 뉴욕 맨해튼에 있는 더 뉴욕 팰리스 호텔(The New York Palace Hotel)에 

대한 인수 계약을 체결했다고 31일 밝혔다.
㈜호텔롯데는 팰리스 호텔을 인수해 운영할 법인을 설립하고 필요한 절차를 거쳐 8월 말까지 

인수를 완료한다는 계획이다. 인수 금액은 8억500만달러(8천920억 원 상당)이다.
맨해튼 미드타운 매디슨 에비뉴에 위치한 지상 55층 규모의 팰리스 호텔은 총 909개의 객실,

 23개의 연회장을 운영하는 뉴욕의 대표적인 럭셔리 호텔이다. 

2015.5.31 롯데그룹 제공 

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집

South Korea's Lotte Group buys New York hotel for $805 million

  South Korea's Lotte Group said on Sunday that it had signed a contract to buy the New York Palace Hotel in Manhattan for $805 million from real estate management firm Northwood Investors.

Hotel Lotte Co Ltd, an unlisted unit of Lotte Group, will lead the formation of a new company that will acquire and operate the Palace, a Lotte Group spokeswoman said.

"Hotel Lotte is a company that has been actively entering markets abroad. We have continuously been looking for fitting M&A opportunities and we have found one in New York with symbolic significance," the spokeswoman said.

The company has been opening and buying hotels in Russia, Vietnam, Uzbekistan and Guam since 2010. It is also in the process of building hotels in China and Myanmar.

Hotel Lotte plans to complete the takeover by late August after getting necessary procedures done, Lotte Group said in a statement.

Northwood Investors could not be immediately reached for comment.

(Reporting by Joyce Lee and Seungyun Oh; Editing by Nick Macfie)


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