영국 해안에 수만마리의 초대형 해파리 출현 Thousands of Giant Jellyfish Appear in Swarms off Britain's Coast(VIDEO)

영국 남서부 해안에 길이 1.5m 초대형 해파리 수만마리가 출현했다.

사진작가이자 자연보존주의자스티브 트레웰라(Steve Trewhella)는 

난생 처음보는 이 괴이한 현상에 혀을 내둘렀다.

그의 10살짜리 손자와 수중스쿠버를 즐기기 위하여 보트에서 물속으로 

뛰어들었으나 다행히도 아무런 해도 입지 않았다.

이 초대형 해파리는 해을 입히지 않는 것으로 알려졌다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor @conpaper 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

Posted by Anna Gragert 

In waters off the coast of Britain, giant Barrel Jellyfish are  appearing in extraordinarily large groups. The jellyfish measure up to 5 feet in length and tens of thousands of them have been showing up in this area. "They were just everywhere. I’ve never seen anything like it," stated photographer Steve Trewhella to Daily Mail. Trewhella is also a conservationist who spotted the jellyfish swarm when he was taking his grandson out for a trip on his dive boat. Luckily, the creature's sting is harmless and can only cause a rash, so the diver was able to photograph and even swim with them. 

Barrel Jellyfish are known for being harmless giants, since they only feed on minuscule prey such as plankton. It is rare for these beautifully colored aquatic animals to swim close to the coast, which is why recent sightings have made headlines. If the jellies stick around during the summer and autumn, their swarms will end up growing even bigger, since they breed in warm water at a phenomenal rate. 

via [Lost At E MinorDaily Mail]

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