숨 막히는 토스카나의 양떼 이동 항공사진 Flocks of Sheep Roam Across the Tuscan Countryside in Breathtaking Aerial Photos

이태리 사진작가 '마르신 소바스'는 이탈리아 중부 지방의 

토스카나 상공에서 경탄할만한 항공사진을 촬영했다.

언듀레이션 언덕을 오르 내리는 양떼들의 멋진 이동 광경은 

평지에서의 그것과는 완전히 다른 느낌이다.

마치 한폭의 그림을 그려 놓은 것 같다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor @conpaper 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

Posted by Anna Gragert 

During his summer and springtime trips to Italy, Polish photographer Marcin Sobas has captured captivating aerial views of Tuscany's sheep-filled scenery. In the undulating valleys of Siena and Val d'orcia, Sobas trekked across the hills to photograph a shepherd herding his flock of around 300 sheep. In taking snapshots of this moment, we can see the sheep wandering across the vivid green grass as dust appears in their wake.  

Using a telescopic lens, the 34-year-old artist shot the pictures from an opposite hill, so that he would not startle the sheep. Even so, this task was not always easy. "It was quite hard sometimes because they moved not where I wanted and it’s not a good idea to come closer to negotiate with them. All of them are guarded by Tuscan dogs that are not always friendly with photographers," wrote Sobas on BoredPanda

Marcin Sobas' Website
via [FubizBoredPandaSolent]  

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