아일랜드, 국민투표로 동성결혼을 합법화한 역사상 첫 국가가 되다 Ireland Gay Marriage Vote Sees High Yes Turnout(VIDEO0


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케이콘텐츠 편집

 아일랜드가 '예스!'라고 외쳤다.

연합뉴스는 5월 23일 "아일랜드에서 23일(현지시간) 동성결혼 합법화 여부를 둘러싸고 시행한 국민투표의 개표가 진행 중인 가운데 찬반 진영 모두 합법화 찬성투표가 많을 것으로 예상하고 있다"고 보도했다. 

AP통신에 의하면 이미 반대 캠페인을 벌인 진영도 찬성 진영이 승리했다는 것을 받아들였으며, 현재 남은 궁금증은 어느 정도 압도적인 비율로 국민투표가 통과됐느냐는 것 정도다. 

이미 게이로 커밍아웃한 바 있는 레오 바라드카르 아일랜드 보건장관은 수도 더블린에서 개표된 투표 가운데 약 70%가 찬성한 것으로 보인다며 "우리는 국민 투표로 동성결혼을 합법화한 첫 번째 국가가 됐으며, 다른 세계에도 자유와 평등의 빛을 보여줬다는 신호가 됐다. 아일랜드인인 것이 매우 자랑스러운 날이다"고 말했다. 

동성결혼 반대 운동을 벌인 극소수의 정치인 중 한 명인 아일랜드 상원의원 로난 뮬렌 역시 "압도적으로 찬성이 많을 것으로 보인다"며 "솔직히 말하자면, 크게 놀랄 만한 일이 아니다"고 토로했다.

아일랜드 노동당 소속의 하원 의원이자 역시 공개적으로 게이임을 밝힌 바 있는 존 라이언스는 "이번 투표 결과는 현대적인 아일랜드를 보여주는 것"이라며 "절대 유권자들의 생각을 과소평가해서는 안 된다는 증거"라고 말했다.

이번 국민투표는 "결혼은 성별 상관없이 법에 따라 두 사람에 의해 계약될 수 있다"는 문구로 헌법을 고칠지를 묻는 투표였으며, 여론조사에서도 동성결혼에 찬성한다는 응답자가 내내 70%를 웃돌았다. 

이제 아일랜드는 국민투표로 동성결혼을 합법화한 첫 국가로 역사에 남게 됐다. 

지난 2001년 가장 먼저 동성결혼을 합법화한 네덜란드 외 스페인, 프랑스, 미국, 캐나다 등 19개 나라는 투표가 아니라 의회 입법이나 법원 판결로 동성결혼을 합법화했다.

허핑턴포스트코리아  |  작성자 김도훈 


A gay couple pose holding hands as they walk out of a polling station after voting in Drogheda, north 
Dublin on May 22, 2015. Ireland took to the polls today to vote on whether same-sex marriage should be 
legal, in a referendum that has exposed sharp divisions between communities in this traditionally Catholic 
nation. AFP PHOTO / Paul Faith (Photo credit should read PAUL FAITH/AFP/Getty Images) | 
PAUL FAITH via Getty Images



* Ireland would be first to adopt gay marriage by referendum

* Polls indicate 'Yes' campaign win, turnout strong

* http://link.reuters.com/qax74w

* For Take A Look, please click on: (Updates with turnout, No side say signs positive for Yes)

By Padraic Halpin and Conor Humphries

DUBLIN, May 22 (Reuters) - Irish voters turned out in droves to cast ballots in a gay marriage referendum on Friday, with the high turnout likely to favor the Yes side seeking equality just two decades after the country decriminalized homosexuality.

With the once mighty Catholic Church's influence ravaged by child abuse scandals, opinion polls indicated the proposal would pass by as much as two-to-one, making Ireland the first country to adopt same-sex marriage via a popular vote.

Irish national broadcaster RTE said it appeared to have been one of the highest ever turnouts for a referendum in the country, with turnout likely to reach 60 percent in Dublin. Only 39 percent voted nationally in an unsuccessful bid to abolish the upper house of parliament in 2013.

"It's looking as if there's a strong vote in urban areas, which would be more beneficial to the Yes side," said Mattie McGrath, one of just two of Ireland's 166 members of parliament who campaigned for a No vote.

"It's all to play for tomorrow, but the Yes vote might shade it," he said. There was no national exit poll and the first indications of the result were expected mid-morning on Saturday.

Yes campaigners also said the high turnout was a good sign.

"[I'm] beginning to dare to hope," said Rory O'Neill, also known by his drag queen stage name Panti Bliss, who has been one of the faces of the Yes campaign.

The result may depend on whether younger voters, tens of thousands of whom registered as the campaign gathered momentum, turn out to cast their ballots.

The result, which will likely be declared late Saturday afternoon, may also reveal an urban/rural split. When voters legalized divorce by a razor thin majority in 1995, only five of the 30 constituencies outside Dublin backed the proposal.

International interest made the hashtag #VoteYes the top trending issue on Twitter and thousands of Irish expatriates made the trip home from Britain and as far afield as New York and Sydney to vote, groups encouraging the 'Yes' vote, using the hashtag #hometovote, said.

"I've been genuinely overwhelmed by the scale and the scope of the hometovote movement," said Joey Kavanagh of the Get The Boat 2 Vote group, as he and about 50 others made the eight-hour journey by train and ferry from London to Dublin.

"It's a very festive, celebratory atmosphere. At the moment we're hanging up posters in the lounge and stringing up balloons. People are just very eager to get back."

Gay marriage is backed by all political parties, championed by big employers and endorsed by celebrities, all hoping it will mark a transformation in a country that was long regarded as one of the most socially conservative in Western Europe.

The Catholic Church, whose doctrine teaches that homosexuality is a sin, has mainly limited its 'No' campaigning to sermons to its remaining flock, a marked contrast with active public opposition to similar moves in France and elsewhere.

Instead, lay groups have led the opposition, raising concerns over parenthood and surrogacy rights for gay couples. Many believe the recognition of the legal rights of same-sex couples in 2009 is sufficient.

"I don't think it's necessary because it's covered in the civil partnership arrangements," said Sean, a retiree voting in the leafy Dublin suburb of Blackrock. Only a couple of his friends were voting 'Yes', he said.

"I'm not convinced, I think it's wrong and I don't agree with it." (Editing by Janet Lawrence, Bernard Orr)


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