김정철, 런던 에릭 클랩튼 공연장에서 모습 나타내 Is this Kim Jong-un's big brother at an Eric Clapton gig at Albert Hall?(VIDEO)

Is this Kim Jong-un's big brother at an Eric Clapton gig at Albert Hall? North Korean dictator's sibling - who was 'too girly' to be leader - is spotted at London concert

Kim Jong-chol has watched star across world and asked him to Pyongyang

33-year-old was overlooked to be North Korean leader for being 'too girly'

North Korea's 'brat pack' boss missed father's 2011 birthday to see Clapton

북한 김정은의 형인 김정철이 지난 월요일 밤 세계적 스타 에릭 클랩튼의 런던 

알버트홀공연에서 여자친구와 함께 모습을 나타내 화제가 되고 있다.

올해 33살인 그는 맏형으로서 계승자이지만 나약한 이미지 때문에 북한 리더의 

자리에 밀려난 바 있다.

마약과 도박 등 방탕아적인 기질이 있는 것으로 알려졌으며 2011년 사망한 아버지 

김정일을 그리워 하며 음악에 심취해 전세계를 다니면서 에릭 클랩튼 공연을 모두 


한 일본TV 방송사에 의하면 2011년 김정은의 북한 집권 이후 처음으로 모습을 

보인 것으로 알려졌다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor @conpaper 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터


Kim Jong-un's older rock-obsessed brother has reportedly been spotted in London for an Eric Clapton concert at the Royal Albert Hall.

Kim Jong-chol, 33, overlooked as the next leader of North Korea by his father Kim Jong-il because he was 'too girly', is said to be obsessed with the musician and has seen him all over the world.

He was seen arriving with his girlfriend at the London concert on Monday night - and it is the first time he has been seen since his brother took power in 2011, according to a Japanese TV company.

Jong-chol is the playboy head of the North Korean 'brat pack', and is known for enjoying a jetset lifestyle including trips to casinos in China and a love of designer goods.

Scroll down for video 

Dignitary: Kim Jong-un's Eric Clapton obsessed brother Kim Jong-chol, 33 is believed to be shown here at a gig at the Royal Albert Hall this week, according to a Japanese tv company

Dignitary: Kim Jong-un's Eric Clapton obsessed brother Kim Jong-chol, 33 is believed to be shown here at a gig at the Royal Albert Hall this week, according to a Japanese tv company

Spotted in London: Wearing sunglasses and an expensive leather jacket, this is believed to be one of many Clapton gigs he has been to

Spotted in London: Wearing sunglasses and an expensive leather jacket, this is believed to be one of many Clapton gigs he has been to

Star: Eric Clapton was playing in London to celebrate his 70th birthday, pictured, and his North Korean fan has also seen him in Asia and across Europe in the past decade, and even invited him to play in Pyongyang

Star: Eric Clapton was playing in London to celebrate his 70th birthday, pictured, and his North Korean fan has also seen him in Asia and across Europe in the past decade, and even invited him to play in Pyongyang

He has seen Clapton in Asia and across Europe in the past decade, and even invited him to play in Pyongyang.


W-un-derful tonight

S-un-shine of your love

Knockin’ Un Heaven’s Door

I executed the sheriff

461 Oce-un Boulevard 

Tickets for the Albert Hall gig cost between £100 and £288 and Jong-chol may have been among those enjoying a seat in a box with unlimited beer and wine, canapés and a hot buffet.

Clapton's sell-out gigs in London are to mark his seventieth birthday. 

According to reports Jong-chol then stayed in the Chelsea Harbour Hotel where rooms can cost up to £2,100 per night. 

The North Korean is said to be obsessed with the former Yardbirds and Cream guitarist, and is known to sing, sway and chant along with other fans at his gigs.

In 2011, while North Koreans were celebrating the birthday of their leader Kim Jong-Il, his middle son was in Singapore watching Clapton, 70.

Jong-chol is one of Kim Jong-il's three sons, and the country's leader Jong-un is the youngest. He was an early favourite to succeed his father but has since lost out to his younger sibling.

Superfan: This is believed to be Kim Jong Chol, the second son of North Korean leader Kim Jong-il, after seeing Eric Clapton in Singapore

Superfan: This is believed to be Kim Jong Chol, the second son of North Korean leader Kim Jong-il, after seeing Eric Clapton in Singapore


Kim Jong-un was chosen by his father to be the next North Korean leader
Kim Jong-nam got into trouble when he  was caught trying to sneak into Japan to get to Disneyland

Different paths: Kim Jong-un, left, was chosen by his father to be the next North Korean leader over his eldest son Kim Jong-nam, right, who was caught trying to sneak into Japan to get to Disneyland


He is said to be the leader of North Korea's 'brat pack', sons of the country's elite who are known to love western influences.

The 33-year-old enjoys worldwide travel and is known to enjoy trips to Macau - China's Las Vegas - and has been seen gambling and buying designer clothes.

It is said that he and his friends have the freedom to do what they like because they have no political ambitions and it has been alleged that they also raise funds for the country through drugs and black market profiteering.

The eldest of the three Jong-il children is also known for his playboy lifestyle.

Kim Jong Nam, who is in his early forties, has previously said his younger brother's regime will 'not last long'.

After he was overlooked for the job he described the succession of power to Kim Jong Un as 'a joke to the outside world' in an email published yesterday by South Korea's Chosun Ilbo newspaper.

Decision: Kim Jong-il overlooked Kim Jong-chol, 33, as the next leader of North Korea because he was 'too girly' and chose his youngest of three children instead (pictured together)

Decision: Kim Jong-il overlooked Kim Jong-chol, 33, as the next leader of North Korea because he was 'too girly' and chose his youngest of three children instead (pictured together)


And he said his half brother would be 'just a nominal figure', adding: 'The members of the power elite will be the ones in actual power.'

Kim Jong Nam has a love of casinos and western culture.

He is believed to have fallen out of favour with his father after he was caught trying to enter Japan on a fake passport in 2001, claiming he wanted to visit Disney's Tokyo resort.

He told the newspaper: 'Because I was educated in the West, I was able to enjoy freedom from early age, and I still love being free.

'The reason I visit Macau so often is because it's the most free and liberal place near China, where my family lives.'  


edited by kcontents

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