자이나브 반구라 UN 성폭력 특사, "성폭력은 IS의 핵심 전술" Senior UN official warns of ‘widespread and systematic’ sexual violence..

British extremists fighting in Syria and Iraq have boasted on Twitter and other social media that 

Yazidi women had been kidnapped and used as "slave girls" Photo: Reuters

자이나브 하와 반구라 유엔 성폭력 특사. 출처 연합뉴스

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케이콘텐츠 편집


  이슬람 수니파 극단주의 무장단체 '이슬람국가(IS)'가 점령지 여성들을 상대로 저지르는 성폭력이 IS의 핵심전술 중 하나인 것으로 알려졌다.

분쟁 지역 내 성폭력 실태를 조사하기 위해 중동에 파견된 자이나브 반구라 유엔 성폭력 방지 특사는 최근 IS에서 탈출한 수십 명의 여성들과의 인터뷰를 통해 "소녀를 포함한 여성들을 상대로 한 강간이, IS가 자행하는 지하드(성전)의 가장 '핵심적인 부분'이라는 결론에 도달했다"고 폭로했다. 

그녀는 지난달 중순부터 한 달간 시리아, 이라크, 요르단 등을 방문해 소수민족 피해 여성과 관련 단체·기관을 직접 만나 IS의 성범죄 실태를 조사해왔다. 

반구라 특사에 따르면 IS는 먼저 점령지역에서 여성과 남성을 나눈 뒤 14세 이상 남성은 살해하고, 여성은 다시 기혼자와 미혼자로 가른다. 미혼자는 처녀성 검사를 하고 나서 미모와 몸매, 나이별로 등급을 매겨 등급이 높은 여성을 IS의 '수도'격인 시리아 락까로 옮긴다고 전했다. 

그녀는 "IS는 성폭력과 여성 학대를 '전략적 목표로 나아가기 위한 테러 수단'으로 이용하는 등 자신들의 이데올로기와 체제 운영의 핵심 요소로 제도화하고 있다"고 비판했다.

IS는 계급순으로 여성을 선택할 권리를 주는 데 어떤 고위 간부급은 여성 3∼4명을 한꺼번에 고르는 일도 있다고 한다. 이들은 한 달 남짓 여성을 성노예로 삼다가 싫증이 나면 경매에 넘기기도 하고 여성이 '소유물'임을 나타내려고 자신의 이름을 여성의 몸에 문신으로 새기기도 한다고 반구라 특사는 설명했다. 

IS에 납치된 20세 여성이 변태적 성관계를 거부하자 불에 태워진 사례도 들었다고 그녀는 덧붙였다. 

[글로벌이코노믹] 노정용 기자 noja@


Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, Zainab Bangura 

briefs the press. At left is Stephane Dujarric, spokesperson for the Secretary-General. UN Photo/Mark 

Garten. source un.org

7 May 2015 – Sexual violence is being committed strategically, in a widespread and systematic manner, and with a high-degree of sophistication by most parties to the conflict in Syria and Iraq, the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, Zainab Bangura, said today as she briefed journalists on her “scoping mission” to the region in April.

“Women and girls are at risk and under assault at every point of their lives,” Ms. Bangura declared, emphasizing that the threat of brutality followed them “every step of the way…in the midst of active conflict, in areas under control of armed actors, at check-points and border crossings, and in detention facilities.”

Ms. Bangura’s trip lasted from 16 to 29 April and took her to Syria and Iraq, as well as to neighbouring countries of Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan, where she met directly with women who escaped the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) captivity and survived sexual violence.

She pointed to instances of forced, temporary and early marriage and described how such practices were encouraged for fighters as part of Jihad and used as a “protection” mechanism for families with no other means of providing for or ensuring safety of young girls. She also noted the sale of women for sex.

“Girls are literally being stripped naked and examined in slave bazaars,” she said, describing how they were “categorized and shipped naked off to Raqqa or Mosul or other locations to be distributed among ISIL leadership and fighters.”

She listed examples of the horrors suffered by women, including one who had been temporarily married over 20 times, after each occasion forced to undergo surgery to repair her virginity.

“ISIL have institutionalized sexual violence and the brutalization of women as a central aspect of their ideology and operations, using it as a tactic of terrorism to advance their key strategic objectives,” she said, going on to describe how women were promised to fighters and how ISIL raised funds through trafficking, prostitution and ransoms. Sexual violence was used to displace populations, to punish, humiliate and demoralize dissenters, to extract information for intelligence purposes and to dismantle social, familial and community structures in order to construct a new “Caliphate.”

The Special Representative said she had requested that the Security Council integrate protection and empowerment of women into its counter-terrorism response and she stated concerns about children born of rape, as they were unable to be registered. That risked creating “a generation of stateless children” who could provide fertile ground for future extremism.


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