서울역 고가도로의 재탄생 Architects to Repurpose Abandoned Highway into Elevated Skygarden
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바로 서울역 앞 고가도로 스카이가든 '서울수목원' 입니다.
몇년 후에는 서울역 앞이 이렇게 변모합니다.
네덜란드 건축회사 MVRDV의 비니마스 작품이 서울역 고가도로 리모델링 공모에 최종 당선됐습니다.
이 당선작은 고가도로를 철거하지 않고 새로운 친환경 공간으로 모습을 변화시키고 있습니다.
서울역고가 큰 나무로 설정, 램프 나뭇가지로 비유
17개 보행길과 자연스럽게 연계
당선작은 고가를 공중(空中)정원으로 조성하는 기본구상안으로 서울역고가를 하나의 큰 나무로 설정했다.
퇴계로~중림동까지 국내 수목을 가나다순으로 심고, 램프는 나뭇가지로 비유해 시가 발표한 17개 보행길을
유기적으로 연계했습니다.
자연을 매개로 콘크리트 구조물을 생명의 장소로 전환하는 비전과 전략이 미래지향적이고 혁신적이라는
평가를 받고 있습니다.
by Ki Chul Hwang
Conpaper Editor Distributor @conpaper
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Posted by Sara Barnes
The innovative Dutch studio MVRDV is planning on transforming an abandoned section of highway in Korea. But instead of destroying it and building something new, the architects will repurpose the unused infrastructure into a 55-foot-high elevated park. It’s called the Seoul Skygarden, and it’ll include 254 species of trees, shrubs, and flowers, creating an ever-evolving urban arboretum for city dwellers.
The greenery will be organized according to the Korean alphabet and will allow people to interact with and discover new types of plants. In addition, places like tea cafes, flower shops, street markets, libraries, and greenhouses will also enliven the skygarden and provide new opportunities for commerce.
The existing highway was built in the 1970s but was deemed unsafe following intensive safety inspections in 2006. Originally, the city intended to demolish it, but after consulting with experts and residents, decided to reuse it for public space. They then launched a design competition for possible uses, which is how MVRDV landed the project.
“The Seoul Skywalk will change the daily lives of many people in Seoul for the better,” states Winy Maas, principal architect and co-founder of MVRDV. “They will have a pleasant shortcut through a green oasis in the midst of all the traffic and concrete. it is a walk through a park, a living dictionary of the natural heritage of korea, connecting the city dwellers with nature.”
MVRDV website
via [designboom]
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