아이폰 7 발표 4개월여 앞두고 가상 영상 공개 화제 iPhone 7 release date rumours, new features Terrifying new iPhone 7 parody video

source macworld.co.uk

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집


  애플 아이폰6의 후속 모델 발표를 약 4개월여 앞둔 가운데 아이폰7으로 명명된 제품의 영상이 공개돼 화제다. 

7일(현지시간) 유튜브를 통해 공개된 영상은 독일IT웹진 ‘COMPUTER BILD TV’과 마틴 하잭(Martin Hajek)이 제작한 가상 렌더링 영상이다. 

영상을 보면 전반적인 아이폰의 유니바디 형태의 디자인은 유지된 가운데 가장 눈에 띄는 부분은 터치아이디(지문인식) 홈버튼이 전면 디스플레이 영역으로 들어간 점이다. 

정확히는 기존 터치아이디 영역까지 디스플레이가 확장된 느낌이다. 

유저들이 유난히 열광하는 맥북의 LED 애플로고도 후면에 적용돼 한층 멋스러움을 더했다. 


여기에 아이폰6 발매전 비아냥을 샀다가 실물이 깡패(?)라는 진리에 잠잠해진 절연띠 형태의 후면 디자인도 사각을 두르는 테두리 형태로 전환됐다.

마틴 하잭은 애플 아이폰부터 아이패드 맥북까지 다양한 애플 제품을 실제 디자인보다 더 그럴듯하게 만들어 내놓는 디자이너로 유명하다. 

이 영상 역시 유저들의 취향과 개선점을 반영한 영상으로 당연히 애플이 개입한 영상은 아니며 사실 이같은 부분이 실제 디자인에 반영될 가능성이 높진 않다.

한편 애플은 지난해 대화면 아이폰6와 아이폰6플러스로 실적 대박을 낸 가운데 올해는 애플워치를 통해 대박 행진을 이어가고 있다.  

9월 발표될 것으로 보이는 아이폰6의 후속 모델이 또한번의 혁신과 성공으로 이어질지 주목된다. 

[글로벌이코노믹 안재민 기자] 

When is the iPhone 7 coming out, and what new features can we expect 
in the next iPhone? We round up all the iPhone 7 release date rumours, 
clues to design changes, and some beautiful images of what the iPhone 7
could look like. Here's everything we know (or can guess) about Apple's 
iPhone 7, including the latest (terrifying) iPhone 7 parody video


by David Price 

When is the new iPhone 7 coming out? What new features and design changes can we expect in the iPhone 7 when it launches? And will the next iPhone even be called iPhone 7 - shouldn't it be 'iPhone 6s', based on the naming conventions of previous iPhones (iPhone 4s, iPhone 5s etc)?

iPhone 7 is an astonishingly hot topic, eight months on from the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus launches and a good four months before we're likely to hear any official news from Apple about its next iPhone product launches. The web is full of speculation about the new iPhone launch in 2015: rumours about the iPhone 7's release date, its design, specs and features, and even its name.

In 2015 we're sure to see a next-generation iPhone. But what will the new iPhone 7 (or perhaps iPhone 6s, iPhone 6c, iPhone 6s Plus or simply 'New iPhone') be like? What new features can we expect in the iPhone 7? And when will the iPhone 7 come out? We round up the evidence to bring you everything there is to know about the iPhone 7 so far.

Bookmark this page for a regularly updated summary of all the information currently available - and all the rumours doing the rounds - related to the iPhone 7: details, clues, hints and rumours, as well as any leaked photos of the iPhone 7 that emerge. We'll update the article whenever we hear worthwhile new information (or scurrilous but interesting gossip) on the subject of the next iPhone.

Main sections in this article:

If you're looking for information about the current iPhones, by the way, visit our iPhone 6 reviewiPhone 6 Plus reviewiPhone 5s review and iPhone 5c review; and our iPhone buyers' guide. And for more future-gazing, you can read about iPhone 6s and iPhone 6c release date and rumours. (We explain the differences between the iPhone 6c, iPhone 6s and iPhone 7 in the Introduction section.)

Plus, find out what's in store for Apple fans throughout the rest of the year: Apple predictions for 2015

In a nutshell: Macworld's verdict on the iPhone 7

In our iPhone 7 rumour roundup we cover a lot of ground: you'd be amazed by the clues, hints and general speculation about the iPhone 7 that people have managed to dig up. But for those who don't want all the detail, the following section sums up our verdict on the whole thing. Consider it a sort of TL;DR for the article as a whole.

In a nutshell, then, we reckon:

1) Apple will launch a couple of iPhones - probably two, maybe three - in September 2015, much as it does every year.

2) We think this will be a 4.7-inch phone called the iPhone 7, and a 5.5-inch iPhone 7 Plus. If Apple does make another 4-inch iPhone (which, thanks to the success of the larger iPhones, is by no means a certainty) then we think it'll be called something like the iPhone 7 Mini.

3) But this is Apple we're talking about, and consistent naming conventions aren't its strong suit. It could be called the New iPhone Max for all I know.

4) The iPhone 7 won't be a fat phone, but we can't see that the iPhone 6 series phones need to be significantly thinner. At all. We expect roughly the same dimensions as the current generation. Tim Cook will probably be able to boast that it's "the slimmest and lightest iPhone ever", but the minor reduction in thickness will be exaggerated by favourable lighting.


edited by kcontents

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