<그래픽> 아시아인프라투자은행(AIIB) 개요 S. Korea to make decision on AIIB participation in mid-March

방한 중인 류젠차오(劉建超) 중국 외교부 부장조리(차관보급)는 

16일 한국의 아시아인프라투자은행(AIIB) 가입 문제와 관련, 

"AIIB의 추진 현황에 대해 설명했고 한국측이 AIIB의 창설멤버가 

되길 희망한다는 입장을 다시 한번 표명했다"고 밝혔다

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)

 The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is an international financial institution proposed by China. The purpose of the multilateral development bank is to provide finance to infrastructure projects in the Asia-Pacific region. AIIB is regarded by some as a rival for the IMF, the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank (ADB),which are regarded as dominated by developed countries like the United States and Japan by some sources.

Member countries

China will stake major shares while other Asian countries like Malaysia, Thailand, India, Sri Lanka and Nepal, have agreed to sign the memorandum of understanding.[13] Bangladesh is going to sign an MoU with China on 24 October 2014. 


S. Korea to make decision on AIIB participation in mid-March 

 SEOUL, March 15 (Yonhap) -- The South Korean government will make a final decision later this month on joining the China-led regional bank to fund development projects in Asia, a government official said Sunday, amid growing tensions between the United States and China over the body's governance.

"We will decide whether to join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) as a founding member within this month and inform China of the result," said the official who asked not to be named, citing the sensitivity of the issue. "I can't say which way the government will go as nothing has been decided yet."

China is planning to establish the AIIB to provide infrastructure funds to the Asia-Pacific region, and asked those who want to become founding members to express their desire by the end of this month

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