방글라데시 의회, 최초로 다카메트로(MRT) 건설 법안 승인 Dhaka Metro Rail Act passed in parliament
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방글라데시 의회는 올해 도시전철(MRT)을 건설하는 '메르로레일법안'을 통과시켰다. 건설될 6호선메트로는 방글라데시 최초의 도시전철(MRT)로 건설을 위해서 법 개정이 필요했다. 6호선은 Uttara ~ Bangladesh구간에 16개정거장이 건설되며 다카를 비롯한 6개 지역을 통과하며 단계적으로 5호~1호선까지 건설할 예정이다. 방글라데시 정부는 우선적으로 20km구간에 대해 올 1월말에 입찰 초청장을 발송하며 2월에 2개 이상 구간이 올해 내로 5개 구간을 발주할 계획으로 있다. 건설공사는 내년 1월에 착수하며 당초계획보다 2년 앞당겨진 2019년에 완공할 것으로 기대하고 있다. 일본의 JICA는 저리론으로 총사업비 27억불 중 21억불을 조달하게 되며 그간 사업비는 3년동안 지연된 관계로 당초 17억불에서 27억불로 증가했다. JICA에 의하면 메트로가 개통되면 매시간 6만명의 승객을 실어나르며 3분간격으로 운행하게 된다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 |
The parliament today passed the Metro Rail Act, 2015 that aimed at easing traffic congestion and providing fast and improved public transport service in the capital. Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader placed the bill before the House seeking its immediate passage. The House, with deputy Speaker Fazle Rabbi Miah in the chair, passed the bill by a voice vote. Before the passage of the bill, the minister told the parliament that the government took the initiative to ease traffic congestion of Dhaka city and to improve the public transport system. “Metro rail service will be operated in Bangladesh for the first time. A specific law is needed to construct the metro rail, its operation, maintenance and control. That’s why the bill has been brought,” he told parliament. He said under the act, Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Line-6 route will be constructed from Uttara to Bangladesh Bank via Pallabi, Farmgate and Shahbagh. It will cover 16 stations on its route. Six districts--Dhaka, Gazipur, Munshiganj, Narsingdi, Manikganj and Narayanganj--would come under the purview of the law. The road minister said gradually MRT line 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 would be constructed to connect the whole capital and its adjacent districts in the future. Quader said the first tender for the construction of the 20km metro rail would be invited on January 31 and two more tenders in February and five others in 2015. He said the physical construction works of the project would start in January next year. Quader also said they expect the work will be completed by 2019, which is two years ahead of the schedule. Japan has approved $2.1 billion in soft loan for the $2.7 billion project. The three-year delay has increased the project cost to $2.7 billion from $1.7 billion. According to a Jica study, the trains will operate every three minutes and carry 60,000 passengers in every hour. The metro rail project, the country's second largest infrastructure project after the $2.9 billion Padma bridge project, has faced complexities in the last few years over modification of routes following objections from the air force and to avoid overlapping with the Gulistan-Jatrabari flyover. Earlier on November 10, 2014, the Cabinet approved the draft of the Metro Rail Act. http://www.thedailystar.net/js-passes-metro-rail-act-61785 |
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