중국 하얼빈에 초대형 '러시아 문화테마파크' 들어선다 Russian culture theme park to be built in NE China(VIDEO)

Entrance to the “Russian Village” in Harbin

하얼빈의 러시안빌리지 입구

The Russian-style theme park Volga Manor is a major attraction on the outskirts of Harbin.


Harbin Volga Manor Winter (All 16 Pictures)



Soak up the beauty of Volga Manor

케이콘텐츠 kcontents



러시아 문화 테마파크가 중국 하얼빈에 건립된다.

시행사인 하얼빈 볼가마너사는 올해 러시아문화 테마파크 공사를 착수한다고 밝혔다.

5km2 면적에 총 6년간의 공사기간이 소요될 이 테마파크 건설 1단계는 2017년에 완료될 것으로 예상하고 있다.

투자금액은 총 8억불

볼가마너사는 현재 하얼빈에 600,000m2 규모의 대형 얼음눈축제 러시아테마파크를 운영하고 있으며 러시아 교회, 성, 레스토랑 등이 인기를 끌고 있다.

새 테마파크는 기존의 테마파크를 둘러싸는 형태로 건설된다.


콘페이퍼 에디터


HARBIN, Jan. 29 (Xinhua) -- A large Russian culture theme park is expected to be built in Harbin, capital of China's border province of Heilongjiang.

Construction of the Sino-Russia Friendship Park will start this year, said Wei Minfang, general manager with the Harbin Volga Manor Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd.

The 5-square-kilometer park will take six years to complete with the first stage expected to be completed and open to the public by 2017, Wei said.

"The park, based on the history of Harbin City with the theme of Russia culture, will become a new landmark for Sino-Russia cultural tourism," she said.

Total investment is estimated at 5 billion yuan (800 million U.S. dollars).

The company now runs a 600,000-square-meter park called Volga Manor, which has become a major resort for the ice and snow festivals in Harbin. 

Famous sites include a church, a Russian-style castle and a Russian restaurant. The new theme park will surround the current one with the current park at its center, according to Wei.

Dubbed "Oriental Moscow", Harbin originated in 1898 from the construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway financed by then Russia Empire. Apart from its unique combination of oriental and European architecture styles, the city is also known for its ice and snow festivals in winter. 

Editor: Mu Xuequan  


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