퍼펙트한 하루를 보내는 시간표 짜기 Infographic Instructs You on How to Have the Perfect Workday

app DeskTime의 최근 실험에서 52분 일하고 17분 쉬는 것이 가장 효율적인 하루를 보내는 것으로 나타났다. 허핑턴포스트가 퍼펙트데이를 보내는 인포그래픽 일정을 만들었다. 실험결과에는 이런 하루를 보내기 위해  아침과 점심에 고단백 식사를 할 것을 제안했다.  황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

If you feel like you don’t accomplish as much as you’d like during the day, perhaps there’s a better way to structure your time. A recent experiment by the productivity app DeskTime finds that the highest-performing employees work for a consecutive 52 minutes before taking a 17-minute break. To visualize this, the Huffington Post put together an infographic that shows just how you can have that sort of day. They call it How to Have the Perfect Workday, and it provides helpful tips for finding bliss while still getting stuff done.

Besides working in the 52/17 routine, the chart also suggests to eat a high-protein snack during the morning and go outside on your lunch break. Take a power nap at 4:10PM. While you might not incorporate all of these tips into your day, every small change can help. Even if it’s just letting yourself watch cute cat videos at 5:29PM.

via [The Huffington Post and DesignTaxi]


