인도네시아 정부, 인프라 구축에 민간 자본 투자 요청 Indonesia Needs Private Funding for 70% of Infrastructure

Pelabuhan Merak Port of Merak,Indonesia/wiki

케이콘텐츠 kcontents


인도네시아 정부가 차기 5개년 사회간접자본 인프라시설 구축에 단지 30% 만 정부조달이 가능해 앞으로 자국에 민간 자본을 적극 투자해줄 것을 요청했다.

이미 인프라구축이 되어 있는 자바섬의 외곽지역의 건축 교통 등의 인프라 시설 구축이 주요 목표인데 자바의 항구개발 같은 프로젝트는 민간 자본에 의지해 추진되고 있다.

인도네시아 정부의 2015년도 인프라 구축 예산은 230억불 정도인데 아직 의회의 승인나지 않은 상태이다.

앞으로 5년동안 인프라시설 구축을 위한 총 소요 예산은 5,519조 루피(약 4,415억불)로 예상하고 있다.


콘페이퍼 에디터



By Chris Brummitt

Indonesia’s government said it can only directly fund 30 percent of its infrastructure program for the next five years, and is relying on state-owned enterprises and private investors for the rest. 

The government will focus on building transport infrastructure outside the country’s most populous island of Java, and rely on private investors to take on projects such as ports on Java, Sugihardjo, a senior official at the Ministry of Transportation, told a business gathering in Jakarta late Thursday. 

“So for that reason we need to build a conducive investment climate,” Sugihardjo said in the Jan. 22 gathering. “National and international investors, please go to areas where there is already visible economic growth.” 

After freeing up budget funds by cutting fuel subsidies, Indonesia is planning to boost spending on ports, roads and other works this year to achieve an economic growth target of 5.8 percent. 

The government plans infrastructure spending of 281.1 trillion rupiah ($23 billion) in its revised 2015 budget, which needs to be approved by parliament. 

The total cost for Indonesia’s infrastructure needs over five years is 5,519.4 trillion rupiah, Andrinof Chaniago, the country’s planning minister, said in November. 

State companies will fund development via debt sales, as well as rights offerings and the government budget, Rini Soemarno, who heads the Ministry of State Owned Enterprises, said in a Jan. 16 interview in Jakarta. Projects that will start this year include rail, toll roads and a port in Sumatra, and cement and fertilizer plants in Papua, she said. 

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