지금 아마존에 가면 백만불 짜리 '아이언맨 로봇' 살 수 있다. Buy your very own 'Iron Man' robo-suit: Amazon is selling...(VIDEO)

Buy your very own 'Iron Man' robo-suit: Amazon is selling a 13ft exoskeleton - and it could be yours for one million dollars

​Dubbed Kuratas는 일본에서 만들어진 로봇으로 5톤 무게게 4개 바퀴가 달려있다.
걸을 수는 없지만 시속 10km속도로 달릴 수 있다.
아이폰으로도 조정가능 로봇 슈트도 있다.

Dubbed Kuratas, the five-ton, four-wheeled device was created in Japan
The robot suit can be controlled by sitting inside it or using an iPhone
It can be fitted with a weapons system that fires when the user smiles
Kuratas is not capable of walking, but is able to drive at 6mph (10 km/h)


If you've ever wanted to own an 'Iron Man' exoskeleton, then now could be your chance – as long as you have $1 million (£659,000) to burn.

A Japanese electronics firm is selling a 13ft (four metre) mechanical suit on Amazon which can be controlled by an iPhone or by stepping inside the device.

Dubbed Kuratas, the five-ton, four-wheeled device was the brainchild of inventor Kogora Kurata from Japan's Kanto region.

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A Japanese electronics firm is now selling a 13ft (four metre) mechanical suit on Amazon which can be controlled by an iPhone or by stepping inside the suit

A Japanese electronics firm is now selling a 13ft (four metre) mechanical suit on Amazon which can be controlled by an iPhone or by stepping inside the suit

'It seemed unlikely that anyone would develop giant robots however long I waited. And so I thought, I might as well make one myself - that's how it started,' Kurata said in an interview with Zoomin.TV.

Kuratas can be operated using a 'Master-Slave system' where users control the robot's movements from outside using any device with a 3G network.

They can also step inside the suit to control its movements in the same way as exoskeletons are used for fictional characters such as Iron Man.

Overall, the robot has around 30 hydraulic joints which the pilot moves using motion control. It comes in 16 colours, including black and pink.

Kuratas can be operated using a 'Master-Slave system' where users control the robot's movements from outside using any device with a 3G network. Pictured on the right is an early prototype
Kuratas can be operated using a 'Master-Slave system' where users control the robot's movements from outside using any device with a 3G network. Pictured on the right is an early prototype

Kuratas can be operated using a 'Master-Slave system' where users control the robot's movements from outside using any device with a 3G network. Pictured on the right is an early prototype

It can also be fitted with a futuristic weapons system, including a gun capable of shooting 6,000 BB bullets a minute, which fires when the pilot smiles

It can also be fitted with a futuristic weapons system, including a gun capable of shooting 6,000 BB bullets a minute, which fires when the pilot smiles

Asers can also step inside the suit to control its movements in the same way as Iron Man (pictured)

Asers can also step inside the suit to control its movements in the same way as Iron Man (pictured)

Currently Kuratas is not capable of walking, but is able to drive at 6mph (10 km/h) 

It can also be fitted with a futuristic weapons system, including a gun capable of shooting 6,000 BB bullets a minute, which fires when the pilot smiles.

'Automatic alignment allows you to lock on your enemy target. Kuratas will not allow any targets to escape,' the company writes.

'With the alignment set appropriately the system will fire BBs when the pilot smiles.'

Realising that there may be a flaw with this system of opening fire, a video warns the pilot against smiling too much while operating the Kuratas weaponry. 

However, there is another major caveat. The robot is advertised as a kit, which means whoever buys it will also have to put it together.


Dubbed Kuratas, the five-ton, four-legged device was the brainchild of inventor Kogora Kurata from Japan's Kanto region. Pictured is an early prototype of the exoskeleton, which was unveiled in 2012

Dubbed Kuratas, the five-ton, four-legged device was the brainchild of inventor Kogora Kurata from Japan's Kanto region. Pictured is an early prototype of the exoskeleton, which was unveiled in 2012



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