일론 머스크, 시속 1천200km 초고속 '하이퍼루프' 테스트트랙 건립 추진 Elon Musk Will Build A Hyperloop Track For Ultra-High Speed Tests(VIDEO)
산업과학 Construction,Science/교통해양 Transport, Marine2015. 1. 16. 17:47
전기자동차업체 '테슬라'와 우주개발회사 '스페이스X'의 최고경영자인 일론 머스크가
시속 1천200km 초고속 교통수단 '하이퍼루프' 테스트트랙을 텍사스에 건립하겠다고
15일 밝혔다.
하이퍼루프는 1500km(900마일) 미만 떨어진 도시를 잇는 교통수단으로 적합하다.
그 이상의 거리에서는 초음속 비행기가 더 빠르고 더 저렴하다. 매우 빠른 교통수단의
유일한 방안은 땅 위나 아래에 특별한 튜브를 까는 것이다. 단적으로 말하면 건물 사이
에 우편물이나 짐꾸러기를 보낼 때 사용하는 공기압 튜브를 확대한 것이라고 보면 된다.
회사측은 가장 빠른 형태의 유선형의 개발을 촉진시키기 위해 학생그룹의 아이디어대회
와 매년 포뮬러 SAE 같은 학생 하이퍼루프 레이서대회도 가질 계획으로 있다.
콘페이퍼 에디터
엘론 머스크, 비행기보다 빠른 '하이퍼루프' 제안
케이콘텐츠 kcontents
Oh, you thought Elon Musk had moved on past the whole Hyperloop thing? That ultra high-speed transportation system he first started talking about back in 2013? That’s understandable. It’s been a while since he’s said much about it. He’s still thinking about it, though. In fact, he’s just committed to building a test track for the concept. Details are still sparse, but Musk tweets: Will be building a Hyperloop test track for companies and student teams to test out their pods. Most likely in Texas. — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 15, 2015 And to encourage people to get involved, he’s considering a competition league to see which student group can build the fastest pod: Also thinking of having an annual student Hyperloop pod racer competition, like Formula SAE http://t.co/HV9BLCoMb8 — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 15, 2015 Literal pod racing! Here are the key points of what we know about the Hyperloop system Musk wants to build: ■The first full-size Hyperloop track (read: not this test track) would run from LA to SF. ■Musk’s design group estimates the cost of the LA -> SF track to be around $6 billion. ■That trip, based on totally conceptual estimates, would take 35 minutes. ■The conceptual top speed is roughly 760 MPH. ■Musk believes the Hyperloop would work above ground or below ground. ■The concept works by sending pressurized pods through a tube. This tube is (theoretically/hopefully) kept at a partial vacuum, allowing the vehicle to move within significantly reduced air resistance. The pod itself floats on a cushion of air, with the pod’s design meant to utilize air-pressure buildup — which would generally slow a vehicle down — to its advantage. http://techcrunch.com/2015/01/15/elon-musk-will-build-a-hyperloop-track-for-ultra-high-speed-transport-tests/ |
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