빌게이츠, 인분 이용한 식수 사업 추진 Watch Bill Gates Drink Water That Was Sewage 5 Minutes Before

Photo credit: Screenshot via thegatesnotes

세계 20억이상의 사람들이 깨끗한 식수에 대한 혜택을 받지 못하고 있다.

MS의 빌게이츠(59)는 폐수을 식수로 만드는 사업을 현재 추진 중이다.


그는 사람의 인분을 폐기물 처리시설로 정화시키는 옴니프로세서 기술을 개발한 업체에

자금과 기술력을 지원하고 나섰으며 그간 많은 홍보활동을 해왔다.


올해 하반기에는 세네갈의 다카르에서 시험 운전에 착수예정이다.


아프리카 같은 지역에서는 많은 폐기물 등이 활용되지 못하고 방치되고 있는데 환경적

문제에 대한 해결책으로 착안을 한 것이다.



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by Lisa Winter

More than 2 billion people across the world are affected by not having access to clean water or proper sanitation, resulting in the death of over 700,000 children each year.


Solving this problem isn’t as simple as installing sewer or septic systems, as they require more energy and infrastructure than could be effectively maintained in many developing countries.


Waste from the latrines most commonly used in these areas are left untreated and merely dumped into local rivers and other bodies of water, where it will contribute to the spread of disease.


The latest venture from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation seeks to resolve this problem by creating a wastewater treatment method that eliminates disease-causing sewage from the environment and converts it into clean, drinkable water.


The steam engine-powered device is called the Omniprocessor, manufactured by Seattle-based Janicki Bioenergy.


The Omniprocessor can convert human waste into clean, drinkable water in a matter of minutes, while producing energy to incinerate the remaining waste solids and leave 250 kilowatts to spare. The resulting ash does not have an odor and will not contain disease-causing microbes.


Using the waste from 100,000 people, the Omniprocessor will produce 86,000 liters of water per day, enough for 43,000 people. Though there is a deficit in supply and demand, this will be a tremendous relief for people in these areas. This isn’t meant to be strictly charity, but a means of creating self-supported economies.


“If we get it right, it will be a good example of how philanthropy can provide seed money that draws bright people to work on big problems, eventually creating a self-supporting industry. Our foundation is funding Janicki to do the development,” Bill Gates wrote on his blog, Gatesnotes. “Our goal is to make the processors cheap enough that entrepreneurs in low- and middle-income countries will want to invest in them and then start profitable waste-treatment businesses.”


The pilot Omniprocessor will be installed in Dakar, Senegal later this year. There are over 2.4 million people in Dakar’s metro area, with 24% living without electricity or running water. Gates notes that this will not be a quick fix to such a widespread problem, but it is a good start.


Of course, anyone can sit around and talk about how great this system will be. Gates, understanding that actions speak louder than words, decided to show his confidence in the efficacy of the Janicki Omniprocessor in no uncertain terms: by drinking water that had been raw sewage just five minutes prior.



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