식욕을 돋구는 부르는 음식 10가지 10 Foods That Actually Make You Eat More


Artificial sweeteners(인공감미료)


술은 3잔만 마셔도 식욕억제호르몬인 렙틴이 30%나 줄어드는 것으로 나타났다.


술은 식욕을 억제하는 뇌 부위인 시상하부에 직접적으로 지장을 줌으로써 고칼로리

음식에 대한 욕구를 증가시킨다 한다.

흰 파스타는 단순 탄수화물이 많이 들어있어 단순 탄수화물을 너무 많이 섭취하면

췌장이 인슐린이 많아지고, 그렇게 되면 혈당 수치가 떨어지면서 엄청난 공복감이



프렌치프라이, 피자, 흰빵, 인공감미료도 식욕을 부르는 음식으로 꼽혔다.



9. White Pasta

8. MSG

7. Pastries(페이스트리빵)

6. French fries

5. Pizza

4. White bread(식빵)

3. Juices

2. Kids' cereals(어린이 시리얼) 

1. Artificial sweeteners(인공감미료)


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10 Foods That Actually Make You Eat More

BY Kurumi Fukushima
NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- "Betcha can't eat just one."


Lay's was on to something there. The potato chip company coined the slogan in its advertising campaign in the 1960s. And, they were right. It's truly a challenge to eat just one chip. 


Many times, you sit in front of the TV with a big bag and eat mindlessly. We've all been there. Over time it becomes a habit, and before you know it your favorite shirt feels tighter, your pants fit a bit more snug than usual, and your dress doesn't zip up as quickly and as easily as before. That's when you realize that you've put on a few pounds.


What's next is that you decide to try and eat less, and only when you're really hungry.


So, you make sure to read the nutrition facts and eat just one serving. Instead of two slices of pizza, you have just one. Instead of buying a 2 liter bottle of soda, you pick up one of those cold-pressed juices that promise to cleanse your body of toxins -- hoping it'll also magically flush out some fat.


But, wait one second. What if the type of food you're eating can alter brain function and promote overeating. That's right, certain foods can make you more hungry!


According to a 2013 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition by researchers at Harvard Medical School and Boston Children's Hospital, certain types of meals can increase hunger. More specifically, they found that a high glycemic index (or high-carb) meal stimulated the reward and craving regions of the brain, and affects eating behavior at your next meal.


And it's not just the foods high in carbohydrates. Thanks to a phenomenon known as sensory specific satiety, you can fill up on a whole bag of potato chips and feel like only your salty stomach is full. That leaves you wanting to fill up your sugary stomach, your sour stomach, your spicy stomach... well, you get the picture.


So, we've come up with a list of 10 foods that make you hungrier and eat more!

If your clothes are feeling a bit too tight lately, we'd suggest you avoid the following items to get you back on the right track.



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