"중국, 남중국해 인공섬에 비행장 건설 가능성" China building possible airfield in South China Sea: US VIDEO


This handout file photo taken on Jul 17, 2012 and released by the Philippine military's Western

Command shows Chinese fishing vessels anchored at Fiery Cross Reef on the disputed Spratly
islands. (Photo: AFP)





중국이 남중국해 분쟁지역인 스프래틀리 군도(중국명 난사군도<南沙群島>·베트남명 쯔엉사군도)에 조성중인 인공섬에 비행장을 건설할 수 있다는 분석이 나왔다. 


미국 국방부 대변인인 제프리 풀 중령은 중국이 대규모 매립공사를 진행 중인 스프래틀리 군도의 피어리 크로스 암초섬(중국명 융수자오<永暑礁>, 베트남명 다쯔텁)에 비행장이 들어설 수 있다고 21일(현지시간) 밝혔다.


풀 중령은 "중국이 목표하고 있는 것이 그것(비행장 건설)으로 보인다"며 이 암초섬 동편에는 유조선이나 군함을 정박시킬 수 있는 항만도 있다고 덧붙였다.


'중국선박 제9설계연구원'이 남중국해 암초 인공섬 건설과 관련해 홈페이지에 공개한 '남해(남중국해)
암초건설기술비축연구과제' 소개내용 중 일부. 중국청년보(中國靑年報), 인민일보 자매지 환구시보
(環球時報) 등이 지난 5월 게재한 것을 캡처. (연합뉴스 자료사진)


군사컨설팅업체 IHS 제인스디펜스도 이날 보고서를 내고 중국이 지난 석달 동안 준설선을 동원해 스프래틀리 군도에 길이 2.7㎞, 너비 200∼300m의 인공섬을 만들었다고 밝혔다. 


IHS 제인스디펜스는 "중국이 인공섬 조성에 나선 것은 지난 12∼18개월 새 이번이 네 번째지만 이번 간척사업 규모가 가장 크다"고 설명했다.


또 "(암초섬에 건설된) 시설은 주변 국가들이 스프래틀리 군도 영유권을 주장하지 못하도록 강압하거나 적어도 중국이 협상에서 유리한 고지에 설 수 있도록 할 것"이라고 주장했다. 


중국은 앞서 존슨 남(南) 암초(츠과자오<赤瓜礁>), 콰테론 암초(화양자오<華陽礁>), 게이븐 암초 (난쉰자오<南薰礁>) 등에도 인공섬을 만들었다.


중국 현지매체도 지난달 위성사진 판독을 통해 피어리 크로스 암초섬의 크기가 스프래틀리 군도 내 가장 큰 섬이었던 타이핑다오(太平島)보다 커졌다고 보도했다. 


베트남 정부는 지난 6일 중국 대사관에 전달한 공식 외교서한을 통해 피어리 크로스 암초에서 벌이는 매립공사가 불법행위라며 공사 중단을 요구하기도 했다.

(워싱턴 AFP=연합뉴스) heeva@yna.co.kr 


China building possible airfield in South

China Sea: US



The vast land reclamation project on the Fiery Cross Reef in the Spratly Islands is one of several pursued by China but the first that could accommodate an airstrip, Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey Pool said.


WASHINGTON: China is building a massive island in the South China Sea that could host an airfield in an area where Beijing is locked in bitter territorial disputes with neighbouring states, a US military spokesman said on Friday.


The vast land reclamation project on the Fiery Cross Reef in the Spratly Islands is one of several pursued by China but the first that could accommodate an airstrip, Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey Pool said. "It appears that's what they're working toward," Pool told AFP. A harbour also has been dug out on the east side of the reef that appears large enough for tankers and naval warships.


The United States wants China to halt the project and for other governments to cease similar efforts. "We urge China to stop its land reclamation program, and engage in diplomatic initiatives to encourage all sides to restrain themselves in these sorts of activities," Pool said.


In the past three months, China has used dredgers to construct an island about 3,000 metre long and 200-300 metre wide on the reef, which was previously under water, according to a report by IHS Jane's Defence.

The results of the dredging are captured in satellite pictures obtained by IHS Jane's that cover a period between Aug 8 and Nov 14. "The land reclamation at Fiery Cross is the fourth such project undertaken by China in the Spratly Islands in the last 12-18 months and by far the largest in scope," the report said.

Before the latest dredging work, the Chinese navy had used a concrete platform and no artificial island had been created. China already has built islands at Johnson South Reef, Cuarteron Reef and Gaven Reefs.


Beijing claims nearly all of the resource-rich South China Sea, while Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam have asserted their own claims by building structures on reefs or occupying islands. The other Southeast Asian countries already had airfields in the area and China's latest efforts could put it in a stronger position as Beijing pursues its claims.

IHS Jane's said the move appeared aimed to get other countries to relinquish their claims, or provide China a stronger negotiating position should talks take place over the dispute.

The United States has urged China and other states to settle the territorial disputes peacefully and without coercion while urging Beijing to support a regional, multilateral maritime "code of conduct" to defuse confrontations at sea. But Beijing has tended to prefer bilateral talks with its smaller neighbours, which are heavily dependent on Chinese trade.

China argues it has sovereign control over almost all of the South China Sea, a vital shipping route that is believed to hold lucrative oil and gas deposits. Beijing has launched naval patrols in waters contested with the Philippines and in May deployed a deep-sea oil rig in disputed waters near the Paracel Islands, sparking deadly anti-China riots in Vietnam.




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