삼성물산, 34층 몽골 샹그릴라호텔 준공 앞두고 화재 Shangri-la Hotel Mongolia: Blaze breaks out on

외벽 일부 불에 타, 전기합선 추정

준공에 차질 예상



몽골 울란바토르 도심에 삼성물산이 공사 중인 34층 샹그릴라호텔 7층에서 화재가 발생해 23명이

대피하고 건물 외벽이 불에 탔다. 사망자나 부상자는 없는 것으로 알려졌다.


화재 원인은 전기 합선으로 추정되고 있다.


현지업체와 컨소시엄으로 공사 중인 이 호텔은 내년 봄 준공을 앞두고 있는데 공기 미준수시막대한

지체보상금도 예상해야한다.


샹그리라호텔은 아시아, 중동, 북아메리카, 유럽의 호텔 체인이며 Business Mongolia (BM)가

5억불을 투자를 해 시공 중이었다.

<에디터 황기철>


Shangri-la Hotel Mongolia: Blaze breaks out on

seventh floor of building


A fire broke out at the high rise Shangri-la Hotel in Mongolia, with smoke and flames visible throughout the afternoon.


The fire could be seen climbing up the luxury hotel in downtown Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia's capital on Tuesday. The hotel is still under construction and is due to be completed by 2015.


Local journalist Lisa Gardner told The Independent the fire broke out at 12.45pm and 23 people are believed to have been evacuated from the site. The blaze is understood to have started on the seventh floor of the building.


It was extinguished by 2.40pm local time. Business Mongolia (BM) said initial reports suggest there were no deaths or injuries from the incident as construction workers were on lunch and had left the premesis.


Pictures show Ulaanbaatar building covered in flames


Flames could be seen emerging from the building (pic: Michael Riera) It said the fire was caused by an electrical wire, although this has not been officially confirmed.


The hotel is part of a chain of five-star lodgings across Asia, the Middle East, North America and Europe.


BM reports that $500 million has been invested in the Ulaanbaatar hotel.




Construction News



