수소로 움직이는 드론 개발 VIDEO: Footage reveals hydrogen-powered 120mph 'drone' that’s a cross between an aircraft and SUV that its creators say will form a 'fleet' of flying taxis, cargo carriers and ambulances

Footage reveals hydrogen-powered 120mph 'drone' that’s a cross between an aircraft and SUV that its creators say will form a 'fleet' of flying taxis, cargo carriers and ambulances

Vehicle is made by Alaka'i Technologies and has a range of 400 miles with capacity to carry 1,000 pounds 

It has six rotors on the roof which resembles an over-sized drone and has enough seats for five people 

Makers of the oversized-drone say it will take up to ten years for a fleet of taxis to be operational

It is powered by hydrogen fuel cells which produces electricity and only makes pure water as a by-product 


수소로 움직이는 드론 개발

193km/hr 속도로 날 수 있어

   수소로 움직이는 자동차는 지속 가능한 대중 교통의 미래일 수 있고 미국에 기반을 둔 한 회사는 하늘을 나는 택시가 어떤 모습일지 실제 크기의 드론을 만들었다. 

지붕에는 대형 드론을 닮은 6개의 로터가 있고 5명이 앉을 수 있는 충분한 좌석이 있다.

스카이호의 승객 수송 모델은 이번 주 로스앤젤레스 근처에서 공개되었지만 이 차량은 화물 운송업체와 하늘의 구급차로 사용될 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 택시도 사용할 수 있다고 제조사들은 주장한다.

알파키 테크놀로지의 차량은 드론처럼 수직으로 이착륙해 비행거리가 400마일(644km)으로 1000파운드(454kg)를 실을 수 있으며 시속 120mph(193km)까지 달릴 수 있다.

대형 드론 제작자들은 한 대의 택시가 운행되려면 최대 10년이 걸리겠지만 미리 비상사태에 사용할 수 있기를 희망한다고 말한다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 11:30 BST, 30 May 2019 

Hydrogen powered vehicles may be the future of sustainable mass transit and a US-based firm has built a full-scale version of what a flying taxi may look like. 

It has six rotors on the roof which resembles an over-sized drone and has enough seats for five people.

The passenger-carrying model of the Skai (pronounced 'sky') was unveiled this week near Los Angeles but the vehicles could be used as cargo carriers and ambulances of the sky as well as taxis, its manufacturers claim. 

Like a drone, the vehicle from Alaka'i Technologies takes off and lands vertically and has a range of 400 miles (644 kilometres), the capacity to carry 1,000 pounds (454 kilograms) and could travel at up to 120mph (193km/h).

Makers of the oversized-drone say it will take up to ten years for a fleet of taxis to be operational but hopes they can be used in emergencies beforehand. 


The passenger-carrying model of the Skai (pictured) (pronounced 'sky') was unveiled this week near Los Angeles and the vehicles could be used as cargo carriers and ambulances of the sky as well as taxis, its manufacturers claim 

Like a drone, the vehicle from Alaka'i Technologies takes off and lands vertically and has a range of 400 miles (644 kilometres) and the capacity to carry 1,000 pounds (454 kilograms)

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