대만 지하철, 시민의 스포츠 놀이터로 변신하다 Taipei Transforms Public Subway Cars into Immersive Sports Venues

Taipei Transforms Public Subway Cars into Immersive Sports Venues

Photo: @taipeitravel

대만 지하철이 시민들의 놀이터로 변신하다

에워싸는 듯한 광고는 캠페인에 흥미를 갖게하는 기발한 방법이다

뉴욕의 공공도서관이 최근 지하철을 책장으로 변신한 좌석을 가진 

도서관으로 개조됐다.

유행처럼 대만의 MRT도 내부를 각종 스포츠 이벤트 목록으로 가득 채웠다.

이를 고안한 이유는 8월 19일~ 30일까지 열리는 29회 하계 유니버이시아드 

경기 때문이다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor

By Sara Barnes on July 13, 2017

Immersive advertising is an ingenious way to get people excited about a campaign or cause, because they then feel like they’re part of the action. This can happen any place—even somewhere as ordinary as public transit. The New York Public Library recently transformed one of their underground trains into a Subway Library, complete with seats camouflaged as book shelves. In a similar fashion, Taipei City has cloaked the interiors of their mass rapid transit (MRT) trains as various sporting event venues. The purpose of this is to get people excited about the upcoming 29th Summer Universiade Games, taking place from August 19 to August 30, 2017.

The Summer Universiade is an international sporting and cultural event that’s “second only to the Olympic Games.” Hosting it is an honor, with student-athletes from around the world competing and celebrating “friendship and sportsmanship.” To prepare for the Games, Taipei City constructed over 70 new venues.

If citizens were lukewarm on the Summer Universiade before, the clever ads should get them in the spirit. Train cars now have their floors decorated with tracks, soccer fields, basketball courts, and aquatics. These sprawling coverings boast the colors and textured you’d find in those places. The swimming pool, in particular, is the most effective of the series. Its flooring features ripples that make commuters feel like they're really dangling their feet over water.

In a series of clever advertising ideas, the mass rapid transit trains in Taipei City got a makeover for the 29th Summer Universiade Games. The cars were transformed into immersive sports fields and even a swimming pool.

Clever Ads for the Summer Universiade Games

Photo: @sophifromtaipei

Clever Ads for the Summer Universiade Games

Photo: @didiforu

Best Advertising for the Summer Universiade Games

Photo: @chi._.851229

Clever Ads in the in the Taipei City MRT Trains

Photo: @sunny830317

Riders had fun pretending like they were in the midst of competition.

Clever Ads for the Summer Universiade Games

Photo: Taipei City Government Department of Information and Tourism

Clever Advertising Ideas in the Taipei City MRT Trains

Photo: Taipei City Government Department of Information and Tourism

One guy even dressed the part!

Clever Advertising Ideas in the Taipei City MRT Trains

Photo: @skywu0326

h/t: [Design You Trust, Taiwan News]

