Nicole Connolly and Michael Wright had a good life. They lived in a pleasant suburb about half an hour outside Perth, worked in jobs they enjoyed and earned enough to live comfortably.
'We had a pretty "normal" life. Michael was a Civil Engineer and I owned a Day Spa. We lived in a nice house, in a nice suburb, life was… nice. But "nice" wasn't really cutting it for us,' Nicole told Daily Mail Australia.
But three years ago the pair decided to pack it all in, sell everything they owned and head overseas on an indefinite holiday.
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The couple left their 'normal' lives in Perth to explore all corners of the earth, including Switzerland (pictured)
They have been on the adventure for almost three years and have no intention of settling down anywhere
'I lost a parent and as cliché as it may sound it made me look at my own life and ask myself the questions most of us ask ourselves when someone we love dies,' Nicole revealed.
'When I didn't like the answers to those questions we decided to make some rather large changes to our life.'
Now they spend their days soaking up the sun in cities all around the world, travelling from place to place with no set itinerary, and Nicole, 39, and Michael, 36, have no intentions of heading home any time soon.
The decision was a no-brainer for the pair who already had a taste for adventure and freedom, and spent much of the time leading up to their departure researching how others who had 'quit their lives' made it work.
Nicole and Michael run travel blog Suitcase Stories and their work helps them to fund their travels
The couple's adventures have taken them to the UK, US, Europe, Asia and more. Pictured is Gangnam, Seoul
Nicole said 'I have always been a gypsy at heart' and remembers moving a lot when she was younger
She and Michael love the adventure, lack of structure and constant changes
Tokyo, Japan was one of Nicole's favourite places, as she had wanted to travel there since she was young
'I have always been a gypsy at heart. My family moved around a lot when I was a child; a habit I continued as an adult, Nicole revealed from The Bahamas where she and Michael are currently living it up.
'I love change, I love discovering new places, and most of all I love freedom. Our lifestyle is all of that and so much more,' she added.
'Making the decision to travel full time was an easy one. We both loved travel and we had travelled a lot more than usual before we left Australia.
'However, after the decision was made the hard part was the planning, the saving and the waiting, Nicole said.
Supporting their lifestyle through their travel blog Suitcase Stories and other business ventures, the pair have made it possible to sustain their adventures in the long term.
'At first we had our savings but that dwindled out pretty fast,' Nicole said.
'So we created an online business which allows us to work anywhere in the world as long as we have our laptops and WiFi. The income from the business supports our travels.'
The pair also spend much of their time house-sitting for others, cutting their accomodation costs right down while experiencing the city they're living in from a local's perspective.
The couple said making the decision to pack up their lives was not a difficult one. This is Tulum Beach in the Caribbean
It came after one of Nicole's parents passed away, which forced the couple to reevaluate their lives. Pictured is a stunning sunset in Langkawi, Malaysia
The pair spend much of their time house-sitting for others, cutting their accomodation costs right down
Nicole said it means they get to experience life from a local perpsective

She describes the couple's life as 'free, adventurous, exciting and perfect'
Describing her lifestyle as 'free, adventurous, exciting and perfect' Nicole said the thing she loves most about the life is the adventure.
'I have thousands of memories from all of our experiences from the last three years that I will cherish forever. And we are free like never before,' she revealed.
'Yes we still work, but it’s on our own time, on our own terms. We can go where we want when we want; it doesn’t get much better than that!
'And I love that we never set an alarm clock!,' Nicole added.
So far the couple have travelled around Europe, the United Kingdom, Canada, the United States and Central and South America, the Caribbean and Asia.
But on the cards are many more spots they would like to explore.
The Perth couple still work so they have an income but enjoy it as it's on their own terms
So far the couple have travelled around Europe, the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States
They have also been to the Caribbean, Asia and are currently kicking back in the Bahamas
One of the best parts of life according to Nicole is never having to set an alarm clock
She said the freedom of living life the way she and Michael do is almost indescribable
'I have always wanted to visit Tahiti so that is on the list and Michael would love to go to Madagascar at some point,' Nicole revealed.
'There isn't a lot of structure because we like the freedom an open itinerary gives us.
'However, we have an idea of where we want to go for about 3 – 6 months in advance… It just doesn't always turn out the way we think it might as we have habit of changing our plans at the last minute,' she added.
The pair save money by cooking their own meals or jumping on flights last minute at unusual times, but their successful business is what really keeps them going.
'It's cheaper to fly mid week than on the weekends so if you can be flexible you can save quite a bit of money on airfares and hotels this way,' Nicole said.

The pair save money by cooking their own meals or jumping on flights last minute at unusual times
They live their lives without much structure or too much planning
They say being flexible is the key to leading such an adventurous lifestyle
The couple say they've had no second thoughts about their decision three years on and won't be going home
The highlight of Nicole's travels so far was the moment she stepped foot in a city she had yearned to visit for most of her life.
'I would have to say our visit to Japan was very surreal. I had been dreaming of traveling there since I was 10 years old when we had Japanese students stay with us,' Nicole said.
'I was fascinated by the stories they told, by their culture and way of life. So the day we arrived in Tokyo was a moment Ill never forget.'
When asked if there had been any point in the past three years which made them question their drastic life change, Nicole said she couldn't think of one.
'No, as much as our family would love to hear that we are coming back, even for a visit, soon, we haven’t had any thoughts about returning yet.'