미 사격교관, 9살 아이 사격지도하다 총에 맞아 사망 Nine-year-old girl accidentally shot her gun instructor dead VIDEO
한 순간의 비극이었다.
39살의 사격교관이 찰스 베카는 9살 아이에게 우지경기관총 사격법을 가르치다가 아이의 실수로
그만 목숨을 잃었다.
완전자동모드 전환 후에 아이가 방아쇠를 당기자 심한 반동으로 총이 아이의 머리 위로 들려지면서
교관쪽으로 순식간에 틀어져 발사된 우발 사고였다.
라스베이가스에서 월요일 아침에 일어난 황당한 사건이었다.
그는 병원으로 급송됐지만 월요일 저녁에 사망했다.
찰스 베카는 아이의 아버지이자 미 육군의 베테랑 군인이었다.
The fateful seconds before nine-year-old girl accidentally shot her gun instructor dead with an Uzi: Video of child losing control of submachine gun after being told to go 'full auto' released by cops
Charles Vacca, a father and army veteran, was assisting the little girl at a shooting range just south of Las Vegas on Monday morning
She pulled the trigger of an automatic Uzi and the recoil sent the gun over her head, shooting Vacca
He was airlifted to hospital but died on Monday evening
Girl was with her parents at Bullets and Burgers shooting range on vacation from New Jersey
By Lydia Warren for MailOnline and James Nye for MailOnline
These images show the seconds before a nine-year girl accidentally shot her gun instructor dead on Monday.
Recorded at the Bullets and Burgers shooting range in White Hills, Arizona, the edited 22-second clip plays up to the point where the girl loses control of an Uzi, striking 39-year-old Charles Vacca.
The shocking recording taken by the girl's parents and released by police shows Vacca standing closely next to the girl when the gun recoiled as she fired on full automatic mode.

As the clip unfolds, Vacca is seen to instruct the girl to hold the weapon with two hands at all times and to take a perpendicular stance to the target.
Then Vacca asks her to fire one shot for him, which she does.
Then, Vacca tells the girl to adjust her stance and squeeze the trigger to let off a volley, but something goes wrong when she fires a second time.
His last words to the girl are: 'Alright, full auto.'
The girl loses her two-handed grip on the weapon and it pulls to her left, striking Vacca in the head.
Charles Vacca, a father and veteran from Lake Havasu City, Arizona, was airlifted to hospital on Monday morning after the little girl shot him but died that evening.
Mohave County Sheriff Jim McCabe said the full video of the incident was 'ghastly'.
Watch Video Here (Does not show fatal shot)

First shot then pause: The nine-year-old fires one shot as instructed and then prepares to fire again (right) before the tragedy unfolded
He said that the girl had successfully fired the weapon several times before when it was set on 'single shot' mode.
However, the horrific accident unfolded in a split second when the Israeli made weapon was set to 'full-automatic mode' and caused Vacca his fatal injuries.
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