청각장애인들을 위한 음악감상용 센서부착 웨어러블 셔츠 VIDEO: Shirt embedded with sensors creates vibrations so deaf people can experience the sound of music through sensations
Can you FEEL the music?
Shirt embedded with sensors creates vibrations so deaf people can experience the sound of music through sensations
Sound Shirt is designed with 16 sensors that transforms music into data
It connects to a computer system that picks up the audio from microphones
Sensors vibrate to portray the sound of the music into a feeling for the wearer
청각장애인들을 위한 음악감상용 센서 부착 셔츠 이 새로운 웨어러블은 음악 소리를 느낌으로 바꾸어 준다. 사운드 셔츠라고 불리는 이 옷에는 16개의 센서가 내장되어 있어 음악이 연주되는 것과 동시에 감각적인 감각을 몸 전체에 전달하여 청각장애인에게 완전히 몰입할 수 있는 느낌을 준다. 이 최첨단 셔츠는 무대 주변의 다양한 지점에 배치된 마이크에서 오디오를 흡수하는 컴퓨터 시스템에 연결되어 있어, 듣지 않고도 콘서트, 교향곡, 심지어 뮤지컬까지 즐길 수 있다. 사운드 셔츠는 런던에 본사를 둔 큐트서킷(CuteCircuit)사에 의해 개발되었는데, 이 회사는 케이트 페리(Katy Perry)가 콘서트 동안 입을 수 있도록 화려한 의상을 디자인했다. '사운드셔츠는 청각장애인이 자신의 피부에 음악을 느끼고 처음으로 라이브 심포닉 콘서트를 경험할 수 있게 해준다.'라고 큐트서킷이 설명한다.. via youtube 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
edited by kcontents
PUBLISHED: 19:07 BST, 9 October 2019 | UPDATED: 19:07 BST, 9 October 2019
A new wearable transforms the sound of music into a feeling.
Sound Shirt is embedded with 16 sensors that send haptic sensations throughout the body that coincide with the music being played to create a fully immersive feeling for a deaf audience member
Called Sound Shirt, this garment is embedded with 16 sensors that send sensations throughout the body that coincide with the music being played to create a fully immersive feeling for a deaf audience member.
The high-tech shirt connects to a computer system that picks up the audio from microphones placed at various points around a stage - enabling those without hearing to enjoy concerts, symphonies and even musicals.
The Sound Shirt was developed by CuteCircuit, a London-based firm, which has designed flashy outfits for Katy Perry to wear during concerts.
The deeper, heavier bass notes [activate the actuators] down in lower parts of torso, and the lighter sections, like violin and lighter notes, further up on the body, around the neck area and clavicle
'The Soundshirt allows a deaf person to feel music on their skin and experience a live symphonic concert for the first time,' CuteCircuit explained
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