당대 스타 주디 갈란드의 사망 직전의 비극적인 사진들 VIDEO: Tragic images show Judy Garland in the months leading up to her death of a drug overdose
Tragic images show Judy Garland in the months leading up to her death of a drug overdose at 47 - including a picture of the troubled singer getting married for the fifth time
Newly-released photos show the final months before Garland's death in 1969
She is seen smiling at her wedding to fifth husband Mickey Deans three months before she died and dazzling photographers ahead of haphazard performances
The images were unearthed ahead of the biopic Judy, in which Renee Zellweger portrays Garland's struggle to reclaim her career as her world crumbled
Once one of the most revered actresses on the planet, Garland was broke, addicted to pills, sex obsessed and suicidal when she died aged 47 in London
당대 스타 주디 갈란드의 사망 직전의 비극적인 사진들 부디 천국의 무지개가 되었기를... 천재 아역 배우 그녀의 마지막 버팀목 딘과의 열혈한 사랑 명배우겸 가수 라이자 미넬리의 엄마이기도
주디 갈란드의 마지막 해에 나온 비극적인 사진들은 마약에 중독된 스타들이 그녀의 삶이 통제 불능으로 돌아가면서 체면을 유지하려고 애쓰는 것을 보여준다. 한때 지구상에서 가장 존경 받는 여배우 중 한 명인 갈랜드는 1969년 47세의 나이로 런던에서 바비투르산염 과다 복용으로 사망한 채 발견되었다. 죽기 직전에 그녀는 빈털터리가 되고, 마약에 중독되고, 성에 사로잡혔으며, 끝내 자살했다. 사망 마지막 몇 달 동안, 오즈 여배우는 다섯 번째 남편인 미키 딘과 결혼하여 공연 계약을 둘러싼 치열한 법적 싸움에 휘말렸고, '감정적인 자동차 충돌'로 묘사된 런던 나이트 클럽에서 몇 차례 간신히 일관된 공연만 선보였다. 그 파란만장한 시간의 사진들은 갈란드가 그들의 결혼식에서 케이크를 자르는 동안 딘과 함께 미소를 짓고 있는 것을 보여준다. 그리고 눈부시게 치장한 언론 사진기자들. 이 사진들은 그녀의 세계가 무너지면서 그녀의 과거의 화려함을 되찾기 위한 갈란드의 몸부림을 그린 주디 전기 보다 먼저 공개됐다. 그녀가 죽었을 당시 갈란드의 인생에서 가장 중요한 인물은 그녀가 죽기 3개월 전에 결혼했던 미국인 음악가 딘이었다. 이 커플은 1966년 한 친구가 딘에게 의사 행세를 하고 뉴욕에 있는 갈랜드의 호텔 방에 흥분제 한 꾸러미를 배달해 달라고 부탁했을 때 만났다. 그들은 1969년 3월 런던의 첼시 등록 사무소에서 치룬 쓸쓸한 결혼식 이전에 3년 동안 밤낮없이 데이트를 했다. 갈란드의 딸 라이자 미넬리는 결혼식 당일 전화를 걸어 참석은 할 수 없지만 다음 결혼식에 참석하겠다고 말한 것으로 추정된다.
그러나 이 말썽 많은 당대 스타는 그 날 밤 '마침내 나는 사랑받았다'고 선언하면서 당황하지 않았다. 갈란드의 다른 딸 로나는 그 시점까지 그녀의 어머니가 처방전 약물 중독의 가장 최악의 상태에 있었고 '딘의 눈 앞에서 죽었다'고 말했다. 그녀의 죽음은 사고로 종결되었지만, 친구나 음모론자들은 후에 모두 딘이 약물 과다 복용에 관여했다고 생각하고 있다. 많은 사람들은 그가 그녀의 12살 연하인 것을 볼 때 그녀의 명성을 이용하고 있다고 생각했다. 1972년에 딘은 갈란드와 함께했던 시간에 대한 책 "Weep No More, My Lady"를 출판했다. 그는 나중에 미국으로 다시 돌아왔고 2003년에 울혈성 심부전으로 68세의 나이로 세상을 떠났다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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PUBLISHED: 18:23 BST, 15 September 2019 | UPDATED: 20:56 BST, 15 September 2019
Tragic images from the final year of Judy Garland's life show the drug-addicted starlet struggling to keep up appearances as her life spun out of control.
Once one of the most revered actresses on the planet, Garland was broke, addicted to pills, sex obsessed and suicidal when she was found dead from a barbiturates overdose in London in 1969 at the age of 47.
In her final months, the Wizard of Oz actress married her fifth husband, Mickey Deans, became embroiled in a bitter legal battle over a performance contract and delivered several barely-coherent performances at a London night club that were described as an 'emotional car crash'.
Photographs from that turbulent time show Garland smiling alongside Deans as they cut the cake at their wedding and dazzling press photographers in elaborate stage-ready ensembles.
The images were unearthed ahead of the biopic Judy, in which Renee Zellweger portrays Garland's struggle to reclaim her career as her world crumbled around her.
Photographs from the final year of Judy Garland's life show the drug-addicted starlet struggling to keep up appearances as her life spun out of control. The photo above shows Garland and her fifth husband, Mickey Deans, cutting the cake at their wedding in 1969
Garland and Deans (left) married at London's Chelsea Register Office in March of 1969, three months before the 47-year-old actress was found dead of a barbiturates overdose. The pair met in 1966 when a mutual friend apparently asked Deans to pose as a doctor and deliver a package of stimulant tablets to Garland's hotel room in New York
Garland is seen pushing through a throng of photographers on her wedding day. Few loved ones attended the ceremony, which one journalist described as 'pathetic'
The actress donned a pillbox hat and short feather-trimmed coat for her wedding to Deans
On the night of her fifth wedding, Garland declared: 'Finally, finally I am loved.' She is seen dancing with new husband Deans at the reception
The most important figure in Garland's life at the time of her death was Deans, an American musician whom she married three months before she died.
The pair met in 1966 when a mutual friend apparently asked Deans to pose as a doctor and deliver a package of stimulant tablets to Garland's hotel room in New York.
They dated on and off for three years before marrying in March 1969 in a poorly-attended ceremony at London's Chelsea Register Office that one journalist described as 'pathetic'.
Garland's daughter Liza Minnelli is believed to have called her on the wedding day and told her that she couldn't attend, but that she'd make it to the next one.
The troubled starlet wasn't fazed, however, declaring that night: 'Finally, finally I am loved.'
Garland's other daughter Lorna said that by that point her mother was at the lowest point of her prescription drug addiction and 'dying in front of [Dean's] eyes'.
The Most Memorable Versions of “Over the Rainbow”
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Three months later, Deans found Garland dead of a barbituate overdose at the home they were renting.
Her death was ruled an accident, but friends and conspiracy theorists alike would later speculate that Deans had a hand in the overdose.
Many thought that he was taking advantage of her fame, given that he was 12 years her junior.
In 1972 Deans published a book - Weep No More, My Lady - about his time with Garland.
He later moved back to the US and died aged 68 of congestive heart failure in 2003.
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Somewhere Over the Rainbow - The Wizard of Oz (1/8) Movie CLIP (1939)