"4번 아이언, 하이브리드로 바꿔야 하나?" VIDEO: STUDY: 4-IRON VS. 4-HYBRID (POWERED BY ARCCOS)



Long irons have a certain stigma attached to them. Most golfers have heard Lee Trevino’s “Even God can’t hit a 1-iron” quote. The only players who need a 2-iron in their bag are playing with sponsors’ logos all over their shirts. The same can be said for 3-irons as well. But for some reason, the approved exchange of long irons for hybrids ends there. Why does the 4-iron get a free pass into so many bags? And should it?

Ping G Crossover/Golfalot.com



"4번 아이언, 하이브리드로 바꿔야 하나?"

3번 아이언은 거의 대체

  요즘 3번 아이언은 잘 보이지 않는다. 하이브리드가 거의 대체했다. 4번 아이언은 어떨까. 하이브리드로 바꿔야 하나.  


상급자 티샷은 아이언이 거리 더 나가

그러나 페어웨이에선 하이브리드 위력

모든 핸디캡 구간에서 스코어 줄어

중급 골퍼들이 가장 큰 혜택 누려

일반 골퍼 160만 라운드, 1억 건이 넘는 실제 샷 데이터를 미국 골프 장비 뉴스 사이트인 마이골프스파이가 분석해 두 클럽의 퍼포먼스를 비교했다. 데이터는 골프 클럽 그립 끝에 센서를 달아 샷을 분석하는 인공지능 캐디 시스템인 아코스가 수집했다.

데이터에 따르면 티샷에서는 4번 하이브리드보다 4번 아이언의 거리가 더 나가는 것으로 나타났다. 0-5 핸디캡 골퍼는 4야드(아이언 174, 하이브리드 170야드), 20 이상의 핸디캡 골퍼는 2야드 더 길었다. 나머지 핸디캡 골퍼들은 4번 아이언과 4번 아이언 대용 하이브리드의 거리 차이가 거의 없었다.   


페어웨이 적중률은 중급 골퍼는 0.5% 내외로 차이가 작았다. 그러나 숙련자는 아이언의 페어웨이 적중률이 하이브리드를 칠 때보다 3% 높았고, 초보 골퍼는 하이브리드가 1% 높았다.   


티샷을 할 때 숙련 골퍼는 아이언의 퍼포먼스가 더 좋다는 결론이 가능하다. 그러나 티샷이 아니라 페어웨이나 러프에서 그린을 향해 샷을 할 때는 두 클럽의 결과는 달라졌다. 대부분의 핸디캡 구간에서 하이브리드가 좋은 퍼포먼스가 나왔고 특히 중급 골퍼들이 가장 큰 혜택을 누렸다. 


4번 하이브리드를 사용할 때 숙련자(0-5 핸디캡)는 4번 아이언보다 2야드를 더 보냈다. 핸디캡 6-10은 4야드, 핸디캡 11-15는 5야드, 핸디캡 16-20은 3야드를 더 쳤다. 그러나 핸디캡 20이 넘는 골퍼들은 오히려 4번 아이언으로 칠 때 1야드 더 나갔다.   


그린 적중률은 모든 골퍼들을 통틀어 하이브리드가 높았다. 핸디캡 0-5 골퍼는 22.1%-21.5%로 차이가 크지는 않았으나 중급 골퍼들은 하이브리드와 아이언의 그린적중률 차이가 1.5%에서 2% 정도로 나타났다. 1.5%는 큰 차이가 아닌 것처럼 보이기도 한다.  


그러나 핸디캡 11-15 골퍼들이 4번 아이언이나 하이브리드로 기록한 그린 적중률은 15% 정도다. 차이 1.5%는 그린 적중률 15%의 10%에 해당한다. 중급 골퍼들은 4번 하이브리드로 칠 때 4번 아이언으로 샷을 할 때에 비해 약 10% 그린 적중률이 높았다.   

가장 중요한 결과는 타수다. 모든 핸디캡 구간에서 하이브리드의 효과가 뛰어났다. 티샷을 할 때와 페어웨이, 러프에서 샷을 할 때를 모두 포함한 수치다. 숙련 골퍼는 4번 하이브리드로 칠 때 4번 아이언을 쳤을 때보다 평균 0.05타를 덜 쳤다. 핸디캡 6-10의 골퍼는 0.11타, 핸디캡 11-15 골퍼는 0.20타, 핸디캡 16-20 골퍼는 0.27타, 핸디캡이 20을 넘는 골퍼는 0.18타를 덜 쳤다.   

성호준 기자 중앙일보

edited by kcontents

Using the massive Arccos dataset, we were able to find answers. Analyzing more than 100 million shots taken over the course of 1.6+ million rounds, we can compare how different handicap levels perform with a 4-hybrid and 4-iron; focusing on tee shot distance, fairways hit percentage, greens in regulation percentage, and overall score.

Arccos tracks all of this on-course performance data via sensors installed in the grips of clubs. The system automatically records and analyzes all of a golfer’s stats, shows users their optimal strategy for every shot using an AI caddie, uses advanced analytics to inform practice regimens, and much more.


Through this trove of data, three trends emerge:

For hitting into greens, the 4-hybrid produces better results.

Off the tee, golfers across the board hit more fairways with a 4-iron.

The 0-5 handicap bracket is more effective with the 4-iron than any other bracket. Almost every other bracket hits the ball longer and hits more GIRs with the 4-hybrid.


Off the tee, only the lowest and highest handicap players saw yardage gaps in distances between the 4-hybrid and 4-iron. The 0-5 handicap bracket hit 4-irons more than four yards farther than a 4-hybrid, while the 20+ handicappers were almost two yards longer with a 4-iron. Bigger discrepancies began to pop-up when we added in approach shot distance yardages.

When comparing tee shot and approach shots with both clubs, almost every handicap bracket saw an uptick in distance on their approach shots compared to off-the-tee distance.

The exception is the 0-5 handicap. That group actually saw a decrease with both clubs, including an 8-yard decline in distance with the 4-iron.

On approach shots, most brackets are appreciably longer with 4-hybrids. The 11-15 handicap bracket was almost 5 yards longer! The lone holdout? The 20+ handicappers, who are almost 2 yards longer with a 4-iron.

If you think these distance numbers are low, keep in mind: the Arccos Driving Distance Report found that the average driving distance for all users in 2017 was 220 yards.


Distance is one thing, but modern hybrids can hide swing flaws and keep a ball in the fairway in ways long irons can’t. Right?

Not so fast. The data suggests otherwise – at least off the tee.


Four handicap brackets hit the fairway at about the same rate with both clubs. The outlier was the 0-5 handicaps, who hit the fairway 46.20% with the 4-iron compared to 43.50% with the 4-hybrid.

Approach shots (below) tell a different story. The data favors the 4-hybrid in every handicap bracket.


One interesting note that shows the ever-widening gap between PGA Tour pros and single-digits. The average 0-5 handicap has a GIR percentage of 22.09% with the 4-hybrid, which from the above chart is around 165 yards. Looking at GIR percentage from 200+ yards – the best equivalent to a long iron approach for pros – the PGA Tour average so far this season is 42.35%. The leader, Henrik Stenson, hits the green a remarkable 60.81% from 200+ yards out.

Another stark realization for amateurs: The PGA Tour average in fairway hit percentage using all club types was 61% in 2017. A 14.81% increase compared to the average 0-5 handicap with a 4-iron.


A straightforward way to tell what club is best; what’s the average score when you actually put it in play. This analysis wasn’t restricted to a certain kind of hole, so it could be on a par-3, par-4 or par-5. But, the answer was clear.


Every handicap bracket saw a lower score when using a 4-hybrid off the tee compared to a 4-iron. The 11-15 handicap bracket saw the biggest margin with a 4.46 average score with a 4-hybrid compared to a 4.64 score with the 4-iron. That may not sound like much, but those margins add up over the course of a round.

As you go from the best players to the worst players, the gaps widen. The 20+ handicap with a 4-hybrid is nearly .20 strokes better than with a 4-iron.

In this day and age, clubs have to earn their way into your bag. If you’re an Arccos user, spotting any underperforming clubs is easy. In-app or via their Players Dashboard, users can see detailed breakdowns for every club. Use that data to figure out if there is a weak link in your setup and address it.

In the next series, we’ll take a deeper dive into bag makeup with a focus on all woods, hybrids, and long irons. If you have any suggestions on what you’d like to see covered, drop us a note in the comments.

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