첫 작업장으로 향하는 신형 세계 최대의 크레인 VIDEO: Check Out the Newest World’s Largest Crane As it Heads to its First Jobsite

VIDEO: Check Out the Newest World’s Largest Crane As it Heads to its First Jobsite

November 30, 2018 Shane Hedmond

via Sarens

첫 작업장으로 향하는 신형 세계 최대의 크레인

벨기에 장비회사 사렌스(Sarens)사 SGC-250 출시

  벨기에의 사렌스(Sarens)사는 최근 크기와 양중 능력으로 세계 최대 크레인 SGC-250을 출시했다.

SGC-250는 사렌스(Sarens)사 크레인 중 최대 크기로 이번이 3번째 출시된 대형 크레인이다.

이 거대한 기계는 인양 능력이 5,500톤 높이 250m 스윙 반경은 최대 275m를 넘는다.

놀랍게도, SGC-250은 360도 회전할 수 있는 휠을 가지고 있다. 작업이 끝난 후 다른 한 쪽 휠로 이동 시켜 작업을 쉬지 않고 계속할  수 있다.

대형 크레인을 위한 첫 번째 작업장은 영국의 힌클리 포인트 C 원자력 발전소이다. 전체 크레인을 작업장으로 운반하려면 놀랍게도 280대의 트럭이 필요하다

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

“World’s Largest” is definitely a sought after goal, especially in the construction industry.  Sarens, a crane rental, heavy lifting, and engineered transport company in Belgium, has recently released a supersized crane that is being regarded as the largest crane in the world, by both size and lifting capacity.

The brand new Sarens SGC-250 is the 3rd in the line of Sarens’ Giant Cranes and the company’s biggest to date.  Unveiled at an inauguration event on November 9, 2018, in Belgium, the new crane can lift a maximum of 5500 US tons and has a maximum height of 820 feet (250m). The swing radius of the massive machine spans over 900 feet (275m). 

                            Sarens fleet of giant cranes (SGC-90 pictured far right is a future release) 

Incredibly, the SGC-250 doesn’t have to stay stationary, as it has one set of wheels to allow it to slew 360 degrees and the other set allows it to travel.  No other cranes in Sarens fleet have that ability, which the company says is an industry breakthrough. The travelling wheels also hydraulically retract until the crane needs to move. 

Below is a video of how the crane operates:

The first jobsite for the giant crane will be the Hinkley Point C nuclear power station in the UK.  According to Construction Enquirer, the crane will be used to lift in excess of 600 pre-fabricated components, which include “five major parts of each nuclear unit’s steel containment liner and dome.” It will take an incredible 280 truck runs to deliver the entire crane to the jobsite.

Check out the SGC-250 in all its glory in the video below:



