유튜버가 만든 테슬라의 자율주행 360도 영상 VIDEO: What a self-driving Tesla sees: 360 degree video reveals exactly how Elon Musk's electric car navigates the world
What a self-driving Tesla sees: 360 degree video reveals exactly how Elon Musk's electric car navigates the world
360 degree video gives users an immersive view of what Autopilot cameras see
Tesla can be seen driving through the Tail of Dragon course in North Carolina
As an object passes by, the Tesla's onboard Autopilot computer registers the other car's speed, whether it is stationary or oncoming, as well as its position
유튜버가 만든 테슬라의 자율주행 360도 영상 자율주행 테슬라 전기차는 360도 영상을 통해 엘런 머스크의 전기차가 세계를 항해하는 모습을 정확히 알 수 있다. 구불구불한 도로를 달릴 때 자율주행 테슬라가 어떤 모습으로 주행하는 잘 알 수 있다. 이 영상은 360도 카메라로 촬영되어 시청자들에게 모든 각도에서 자동차가 어떤 모습인지 실감나게 보여준다. 유튜브 사용자 Pranav Kodali는 테슬라 오토파일럿 기능에서 데이터를 얻어 360도 영상으로 전환해 이 클립영상을 만들었다. 테슬라가 어떤 모델인지는 확실치 않지만, 코달리는 테슬라의 독자적인 자율주행 컴퓨터인 오토페라트 2.5를 가동하고 있다고 말했다. 테슬라는 지난 가을 컴퓨팅 파워가 높은 3종, S형, X형 자동차에 오토파일럿 2.5를 처음 발표했다. Autopilot 2.5는 Autopilot 2의 최신 버전이다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
edited by kcontents
PUBLISHED: 18:48 GMT, 27 November 2018 | UPDATED: 18:50 GMT, 27 November 2018
A fascinating new video has shown what it looks like from a self-driving Tesla sedan's point of view as it navigates a winding road.
The footage is filmed with a 360 degree camera, giving viewers an immersive look at what the car 'sees' from all angles.
YouTube user Pranav Kodali created the clips by sourcing data from the Tesla's Autopilot feature and converting it into a 360 degree video.
Press play and move your mouse to change the view
It's unclear what model the Tesla is, but Kodali said it was running Autopilot 2.5 - the latest version of the firm's proprietary self-driving computers.
Tesla first announced Autopilot 2.5 last fall, which is built with more computing power and is included in Model 3, Model S and Model X vehicle.
Autopilot 2.5 is the successor to Autopilot 2.0.
Tesla's Autopilot feature works using an array of cameras, radar, sonar and other sensors spread across the front, back and sides of the vehicle.
Readings from these sensors are fed into an AI that constantly calculates whether the car should stop or steer around objects, adjusting the vehicle's path accordingly.
Throughout the 17-minute video, the Tesla is driven down the winding and twisting roads of the Tail of Dragon course.
The Tail of Dragon course, located in North Carolina, is one of the most popular roads for motorcycles and sports cars, featuring no intersecting roads or driveways.
'A visualization of the data eight Autopilot cameras see when driving on the famous Tail of Dragon course,' Kodali explained.
'Data for visualization was taken directly from an Autopilot 2.5 car. Pan around for a full immersive experience.'
As each car passes by, the Autopilot computer registers information about it, like its speed, whether it is stationary or oncoming, as well as its position relative to the computer.
Kodali said he pieced together the footage using clips from another video showing a Tesla running Autopilot.
In that video, the YouTube user explains that the car wasn't using Autopilot the entire time, as it veered over the line separating the two lanes.
The driver chose to use an abundance of caution and resume manual driving capabilities.
'To save you the trouble, I stopped trying to engage [Autopilot] at about 3:30 in the drive because it was just waaay too dangerous,' YouTube user greentheonly wrote.
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