1년 전 실종 아르헨티나 해군 잠수함, 수색 종료 직전 발견 VIDEO: Argentina submarine: ARA San Juan found
Argentina submarine: ARA San Juan found
17 November 2018
The wreckage of a submarine which went missing with 44 crew on board a year ago has been found, the Argentine navy says.
The ARA San Juan submarine disappeared 1 years ago.
1년전 실종된 아르헨티나 잠수함 ARA 산후안 호. [AP=연합뉴스]
1년 전 실종 아르헨티나 해군 잠수함, 수색 종료 직전 발견 아라 산후안호 1년 전 44명 태우고 사라져 수색회사 오션인피니 85억원 받아 1년 전 승조원 44명을 태우고 작전을 수행하던 중 실종된 아르헨티나 해군 잠수함 'ARA 산후안'호가 17일(현지시간) 아르헨티나 파타고니아 발데스 반도 연안의 해저 900m 지점에서 발견됐다. 노티시아스 TV 등 현지 언론들은 미국 해양탐사업체인 오션인피니티가 원격 잠수정을 이용해 위치를 찾아냈다고 아르헨티나 국방부를 인용해 보도했다.
카를로스 아과드 국방부 장관은 "ARA 산후안 호는 수면 아래 907m 해저 협곡에서 선미 일부가 파열된 채로 발견됐다"고 밝혔다.
오션인피니티는 지난 9월부터 수색 작업에 투입됐다. 잠수함을 찾아낸 오션 인피니티는 성공보수금으로 750만 달러(약 85억원)을 받게 된다. Relatives have fought to ensure their loved ones were found 친지들은 사랑하는 사람들이 발견되었는지 확인하기 위해 싸웠다./bbc.com edited by kcontents
산후안 호는 지난해 11월 15일 아메리카 대륙 최남단 우수아이아에서 마르 델 플라타 기지로 향하던 중 환풍구 침수에 따른 전기 시스템 고장을 보고한 후 연락이 두절됐다.
해군은 침수로 전기 배터리가 합선되면서 수소가 농축해 폭발한 것으로 보고 있다.
산후안 호는 실종 승조원 가족들이 지난 15일 사고 1주년 추모식을 한 뒤 이틀 후에 발견됐다. 홍수민 기자 sumin@joongang.co.kr 중앙일보 |
edited by kcontents
The ARA San Juan submarine disappeared 430km (270 miles) off the Argentine coast on 15 November 2017.
The navy stopped its rescue mission two weeks after the sub's disappearance.
However, a year and a day after it went missing, officials announced it had been found 800m (2,620ft) below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean.
Who are the crew of the missing Argentine submarine?
According to a tweet from the Argentine navy, the ARA San Juan had been positively identified under the water by a US company.
The navy had earlier shared a picture from the seabed, suggesting a 60m-long object might be the missing submarine.
Relatives gathered to remember their loved ones earlier this week, while President Mauricio Macri promised to keep up the search for the submarine.
What happened to the sub?
The ARA San Juan was returning from a routine mission to Ushuaia, near the southern tip of South America, when it reported an "electrical breakdown".
According to naval commander Gabriel Galeazzi, the submarine surfaced and reported what was described as a "short circuit" in the vessel's batteries.
The sub was ordered to cut its mission short and return to the naval base in Mar del Plata immediately.
The Argentine navy's last contact with the vessel was at approximately 07:30 (10:30 GMT) on 15 November, at which point its captain reportedly confirmed that the crew were well.
What happens when a submarine vanishes
Eight days after the sub vanished, the Vienna-based Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Organisation said that it had detected a noise a few hours after the sub's last contact.
The body, which operates a network of listening posts to monitor nuclear explosions, said that there had been a "hydro-acoustic anomaly" about 30 nautical miles (60km) north of the sub's last-known position at 10:31 (13:31 GMT).
The Argentine navy said it could have been the sound of the submarine imploding.
Navy spokesman Enrique Balbi told reporters last year that water had entered the submarine's snorkel, which can be used to take in air from above the surface when the submarine is submerged.
The saltwater dripped on to a battery tray in the prow, causing the battery to short circuit and to smoulder, he said. The sub had reported the fault and had been ordered back to base but then disappeared.