로봇이 혼자서 주택 건설을? VIDEO: WA’s Fastbrick robot building home in three days a ‘world-first’
WA’s Fastbrick robot building home in three days a ‘world-first’
James HallAAP
November 14, 2018
PERTH-based Fastbrick Robotics has achieved what it says is a world-first with the fully automated construction of a three-bedroom, two-bathroom house in less than three days.
Building its first house — the one-armed robot bricklayer./businessinsider.com.au
로봇이 혼자서 주택 건설을? 건축 로봇, 세계 처음으로 단독 주택 건설 호주 패스트브릭 로보틱스,'하이드리안 X' 로봇 투입
호주 퍼스에 위치한 건축 로봇 전문업체인 '패스트브릭 로보틱스(Fastbrick Robotics)'가 로봇을 이용해 3개의 방과 2개의 욕실을 갖춘 단독 주택을 3일만에 짓는데 성공했다고 밝혔다. 회사 측은 실제 주택을 지은 것은 세계 처음이라고 주장했다. 토목 및 건축 전문가들은 로봇이 건축한 주택이 건축물에 관한 표준을 준수하고 있으며 건축용 로봇 상용화 가능성을 제시했음을 확인했다고 회사 측은 전했다. 이번에 주택 건설에 투입된 로봇은 패스트브릭 로보틱스의 ‘하이드리안 X(Hadrian X)’ 기종이다. 하이드리안 X는 미리 제작된 벽돌을 싣고 건설 현장으로 이동한 후 레이저 가이드 방식 장치를 이용해 로봇 팔에서 벽돌을 배출해 쌓아간다. globalconstructionreview.com edited by kcontents ‘마이크 피박(Mike Pivac)’ CEO는 “우리는 세계에서 유일하게 처음부터 끝까지 완전 자동화 방식으로 벽돌을 쌓아올릴 수 있는 솔루션을 갖추고 있으며 본격 시장 출시를 준비하고 있다”고 말했다. 패브릭스 로보틱스가 로봇을 이용해 주택을 건축했다는 발표가 나오면서 이 회사 주가는 18% 이상 상승한 것으로 전해졌다. 이 회사는 사우디 아라비아에서 중장비 제조업체인 캐터필러사와 제휴했으며, 세계 최대 벽돌 제조업체인 비너버거(Wienerberger)와도 협력하고 있다고 밝혔다. 장길수 ksjang@irobotnews.com 로봇신문사 |
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The ASX-listed company says civil and structural engineers verified that the structure — completed on Monday in WA by a robotic arm from a 3D model — met relevant building standards, setting the stage for commercialisation of the product.
The company’s share price soared on the news after coming out of a trading halt, jumping more than 21 per cent, or 3.5¢, to 20¢ by 12.30pm.
The company’s Hadrian X — a truck loaded with pre-cut bricks — is able to drive to a construction site, where a laser-guided robotic attachment feeds blocks through an arm and continuously places them into position.
“We now have the world’s only fully automated, end-to-end bricklaying solution, with a massive market waiting for it,” chief executive Mike Pivac said.
The construction means Fastbrick has met the 2015 milestone set by shareholders after the Hadrian X had previously built smaller structures in its Perth headquarters.
“We now begin the next exciting phase for the company as we execute our global commercialisation strategy to capitalise on the significant demand for our technology,” Mr Pivac said.
FBR says it has partnered with Wienerberger — the world’s largest producer of bricks — and has signed Memorandums of Understanding with Caterpillar and Saudi Arabia.
The project could improve safety by taking the heavy lifting off labourers, while its accuracy should reduce waste by better managing materials.
The bricks are laid quickly and the Hadrian X allows builders to prefabricate internal elements because they can rely on the laser sub-millimetre accuracy.
Mike Pivac and Mark Pivac from WA’s Fastbrick Robots near the home built by its Hardrian
bricklaying robot.Picture: Fastbrick Robotics
The accuracy of the build, as well as the adhesive used in place of mortar, cuts power bills by making it thermally and acoustically efficient, the company says.
FBR has plans to move beyond urban sprawl and provide fast construction to disaster-ravaged areas around the world.
And despite cutting out a chunk of the work performed by tradies, the company says it will have a minimal effect on jobs.
“The whole concept of this technology came around because there was a shortage of bricklayers,” an FBR spokesman said.
“The challenge for the bricklaying industry is that it is hard work on the body — it’s not a career people typically have for a very long time.”