대만 유망주 도리스 첸 LPGA Q시리즈서 OB난 공 어머니가 발로 차 실격 VIDEO: Former NCAA champ DQ'd from LPGA Q-Series over rules breach reportedly involving her mother
Former NCAA champ DQ'd from LPGA Q-Series over rules breach reportedly involving her mother
By Ryan Herrington
Beyond who claimed medalist honors (South Korea's Jeongeun Lee) and how many amateurs successfully earned their tour cards (eight), a different sort of drama played out on Saturday during LPGA Q-Series at Pinehurst Resort in North Carolina.
Jeff Gross
Chen releases statement after DQ at LPGA Q-Series
이정은, '지옥의 레이스' LPGA Q시리즈 수석합격
2014년 USC 개인 챔피언이자 2010년 미국 여자 주니어 챔피언 17번 홀에서 7번 홀에서 규칙 15-3b를 어긴 후 실격 한국 이정은, '지옥의 레이스' LPGA Q시리즈 수석합격 첸 도리스(25·대만)가 LPGA 투어 Q시리즈에서 속임수로 실격됐다고 미국 골프 채널 등이 4일 보도했다.
첸은 2010년 US 걸스 주니어 챔피언십에서 우승했고 2014년 USC 대학에 재학 중 미대학스포츠(NCAA) 개인 여자 챔피언에 오른 유망주였다. 그러나 LPGA 투어에 올라오지 못하고 3년간 2부 투어에서 뛰었다. 3시즌을 합쳐 첸이 번 상금은 1만2050달러다. 올 시즌에는 10경기에 출전해 번 상금이 1000 달러도 안 됐다.
첸은 LPGA Q시리즈 7라운드 17번 홀에서 티샷이 OB가 났다. 그의 어머니 린 유궤이가 이 공을 차서 인바운드 지역으로 보냈다고 알려졌다. 이 현장을 골프장 페어웨이 옆에 집을 가진 주민이 LPGA 투어에 보고했다.
공을 찬 사람의 인상착의를 확인한 결과 첸의 어머니인 것으로 확인됐다. 결과적으로 오소플레이가 됐으며, 첸이 다음 홀에서 티샷하기 전에 실수를 바로 잡지 않아 실격 처리됐다. 첸은 6라운드까지 14오버파를 기록해 공동 74위였다. 조건부 시드를 따려면 45위, 풀시드를 따려면 20위 이내에 들어야 한다.
첸은 미국 골프다이제스트에 “누군가 공을 옮긴 것은 알았지만, 그 사람이 어머니인 것은 몰랐다. 그래서 벌타 없이 칠 수 있다고 생각했다”고 말했다. LPGA Q시리즈 수석합격한 이정은/중앙일보 edited by kcontents
첸은 또 “어머니가 몰랐으며 지금도 모른다고 말하더라. 만약 어머니가 그랬다면 모르는 상태에서 나온 사고 같은 것이다. 나는 속임수를 쓰려 하지 않았다”라고 말했다.
8라운드로 치러진 LPGA Q시리즈에서는 한국의 이정은이 18언더파로 우승했다. Q시리즈는 골프 대회 중 가장 긴장감이 큰 대회로 꼽힌다. 걸린 것이 많고 보는 눈은 상대적으로 적기 때문에 속임수를 쓸 개연성이 크다. 성호준 기자 sung.hojun@joongang.co.kr 중앙일보 |
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Doris Chen, the 2014 NCAA individual champion at USC and the 2010 U.S. Girls’ Junior champion, was disqualified after rules officials determined she had breached Rule 15-3b when she played a ball that had been out of bounds and then moved back in bounds on the 17th hole during Friday’s seventh round at the No. 7 course.
LPGA officials determined that “an outside agency” moved the ball back into play. In a statement, the tour said: “Ms. Chen and her caddie were made aware that the ball had been moved. Doris elected to play the ball, which was a wrong ball by definition, from its altered lie. Ms. Chen did not correct her error before teeing off on the next hole, thus resulting in the DQ penalty.”
According to reports from Golfweek and Golf Channel, Chen’s mother, Yuh-Guey Lin, is believed to have moved the ball.
Reached for comment on Sunday morning, Chen told GolfDigest.com she was searching for her ball farther up the hole when somebody in the gallery spotted it. Chen said that someone told her that a person had kicked the ball. Chen says that at the time the person did not say the ball had been moved from being out of bounds to in bounds, only that the ball had gone from a good lie to a bad lie. Chen says she thought she could play the ball as it lies, and so she continued on and finished the hole, along with the 18th. It was then, she said, that rules officials talked with her about the situation, informing her at that time that the ball was out of bounds.
Doris Chen watches a tee shot./Golf.com
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“My caddie and I didn’t see anything happen. We were looking for the ball. I didn’t see the ball move,” Chen said. “It was just what the homeowner said. … In my mind, I thought I was just supposed to play the ball as it lied. … I realize now I should have called for a rules official to investigate.”
When asked if she spoke with her mother about whether she had moved the ball, Chen said: “She told me that she didn’t and she doesn’t know. And if she did, it may be by accident and she wasn’t aware.”
Chen added: “What I would like to say is that it was a misunderstanding. It was a stressful week and not my intention for any of it to happen. I was not directly involved in any way, but I take the responsibility and accept the ruling.
“I was not trying to cheat and I am not a cheater.”
Chen, 25, had been tied for 74th in the 102-player field after the sixth round at 14 over par, six strokes out of 45th place. The top 45 finishers and ties at the conclusion of the inaugural eight-round event earned LPGA Tour cards for 2019.
Since turning pro in 2015, Chen has played three seasons on the Symetra Tour, having earned $12,050. In 2018, she made only one cut in 12 events, earning $643. She reached Q-Series after finishing T-24 at Stage II of qualifying in Venice, Fla.