거대한 태평양 쓰레기 더미 처리 위한 오션 클린업 프로젝트 VIDEO: 2,000 foot-long net will be used to clear giant pile of rubbish twice the size of Texas drifting in the Ocean
Floating pipe named Wilson will tackle the 'Great Pacific Garbage patch': 2,000 foot-long net will be used to clear giant pile of rubbish twice the size of Texas drifting in the Ocean
2,000 foot long floating pipe takes on the 'Great Pacific Garbage patch' between San Francisco and Hawaii
The U shaped pipe features a 3-metre deep net underneath it to trap floating plastic under the water's surface
A boat will collect the debris every few months which will then be recycled and turned into new products
PUBLISHED: 10:19 BST, 16 October 2018 | UPDATED: 16:13 BST, 16 October 2018
거대한 태평양 쓰레기 더미 처리 위한 오션 클린업 프로젝트 600m의 플로팅 U자형 파이프 설치 600m의 플로팅 U자형 파이프(중앙) 설치 프로젝트는 오션 클린업 재단에 의해 출범했으며 그 아래에는 3미터 깊이의 그물로 물 표면 아래에 떠다니는 플라스틱을 가두도록 설계되어 있다. 샌프란시스코(오른쪽 아래)에서 시작된 이 프로젝트는 샌프란시스코와 하와이 사이에 위치한 '거대한 태평양 쓰레기 더미'를 처리하기 위한 환경 프로젝트이다. 회사 설립자는 24살의 보얀 슬래트(Boyan Slat) 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
edited by kcontents
The U-shaped pipe (centre), has been launched by the Ocean Cleanup Foundation and features a 3-metre deep net underneath it, which has been designed to trap floating plastic under the water's surface. The project was launched in San Francisco (bottom right) in order to help tackle the 'Great Pacific Garbage patch' which is a giant floating trash pile located between San Franciso and Hawaii. The companies founder is 24-year old Boyan Slat, the CEO and founder has said that plastic will be in the oceans for years to come.