섬뜩하기까지 한 건설현장 작업 보조 '로봇 개' VIDEO: Boston Dynamics reveals its robot dog helping construction workers

Spot goes to work: Boston Dynamics reveals its robot dog helping construction workers

Video shows Spot robot dog climbing stairs and obstacles at a construction site

Boston Dynamics is now testing Spot for 'commercial usage around the world'

Spot is in preproduction and the firm expects to build 100 of the robots in 2019


섬뜩하기까지 한 건설현장 작업 보조 '로봇 개'

이 로봇 개 '스폿(Spot )은 건설현장의 계단을 오르고 장애물을 마구 건너뛰어 다닌다.

보스턴 다이내믹스는 이 로봇 개의 상용화를 위해 테스트 중.

스폿(Spot )은 현재 사전 제작 중이며 회사는 2019년에 100대의 로봇을 제작할 예정이다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 22:18 BST, 12 October 2018

Boston Dynamics' robots are no longer just flipping and jumping over obstacles for fun. 

Now, the startup is putting its Spot robot dog to work. 

A new video shows the sensor-equipped device touring several construction sites. 

Spot has previously been shown navigating obstacles and climbing stairs with ease. 

But it seems the robotics firm is preparing Spot for use in the workplace. 

'We have begun field testing the Spot robot for commercial usage around the world,' Boston Dynamics said. 

'After an initial mapping run, Spot autonomously navigated two dynamic construction sites in Tokyo and used a specialized payload for surveying work progress.



