VIDEO: The Full Span of the World’s First 3D Printed Steel Bridge Is Finally Complete 세계 최초 실제 크기 3D 프린팅 강교 완성
The Full Span of the World’s First 3D Printed Steel Bridge Is Finally Complete
April 19, 2018 Shane Hedmond
Back in 2015, engineers at MX3D made a huge announcement: they were going to 3D print a steel pedestrian bridge on-site. That plan has been altered slightly in the nearly 3 years since the announcement, but the group recently completed printing the full span of the bridge.
세계 최초 실제 크기 3D 프린팅 강교 완성
세계 최초 실제 크기 3D 프린팅 강교 MX3D bridge가 드디어 완성됐다.
비록 작은 교량이지만 하우스 등 건축분야에 이어 적용이 어려운
토목분야에서도 3D 프린팅 기술이 적응하고 있다는 반증이다.
MX3D bridge는 수없는 설계변경을 거쳐서 2015년 말 제작에 들어갔다.
그러나 착수 이후 2017년까지도 프린팅 작업은 여러 문제로 시작조차 못했다.
총 4대의 로봇이 교량 폭 6M 길이 12.3M의 교량을 제작하는데 모두 6개월이 걸렸다.
4.5톤 가까이 강재가 소요됐고 1톤이 넘는 강선이 들어갔다.
이 강교는 네덜란드 암스테르담의 Oudezijds Achterburgwal 운하에 설치될 예정이다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator
The ribbon cutting ceremony for the printers was held in late 2015 with a major change to the original design. Instead of printing on-site, the robots were now going to print the structure off-site, citing high traffic issues in the bridge’s final location. Although the ribbon cutting ceremony was held in 2015, the printing was not started until 2017.
It took 4 robots a total of 6 months to complete the 41 foot long, 20 foot wide span of the bridge. Nearly 10,000 pounds of steel was printed using roughly 683 miles of wire. When complete, the bridge will be installed in the Red Light District of Amsterdam over the Oudezijds Achterburgwal canal.
The next step for MX3D is to test the structural integrity of the bridge. As we’ve seen recently after the collapse in Florida, a pedestrian bridge collapse can have devastating consequences. To test the 3D printed bridge, a network of smart sensors has been installed on the structure, which allows the engineers to make a “digital twin” of the bridge. Gizmodo reported that, since this is the first 3D printed steel bridge that has existed, MX3D is working with the city to create a new safety standard for the category.
The MX3D bridge (Photo: Thijs Wolzak)
“Last Thursday we tested out the bridge with 30 people, and it was fine. It behaves like a bridge like it should,” MX3D co-founder Gijs van der Velden told Gizmodo in an interview. “With the bridge deck on top, it will be even stronger.”
The bridge is scheduled to be installed early next year. Check out the video below to see what it looks like...
What do you think of the design? Gizmodo thinks it looks like it broke off an alien mothership,” which is honestly pretty accurate.
Full story: The First 3D-Printed Steel Bridge Looks Like It Broke Off an Alien Mothership | Gizmodo