VIDEO: Sewerage Construction Robot 하수관 작업 시 평탄성 잡아주는 로봇

Sewerage Construction Robot  

ROBOTERR SEWERAGE™ is a sewerage construction technology, including a remote-controlled sewerage construction robot, which is robust and efficient. It levels the sand automatically, installs the sewer pipes and levels the sand over the pipes.

via youtube

하수관 작업 시 평탄성 잡아주는 로봇

하수시설 터파기 후 바닥 모래 포설 시 자동으로 평탄성을 잡아주는 로봇

공간이 협소해 작업자가 할 수 없는 일을 대신 해주고 있다.

루마니아 특허 장비

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

This technology also features a patented trench shielding system.

The robot presented in this video is electric and made entirely out of stainless steel. It has multiple advantages, including safe working conditions (due to the fact that the workers don't have to enter the trench anymore) and the reduction of the width of the trench from a minimum of 900mm to 550mm (with the resulting economical advantages). You can find more details on our website: /


