세계최대의 개가 아닌 강아지 VIDEO: World’s biggest puppy bred to recreate an extinct 7,000-year-old monster dog is 6ft tall and already weighs more than the average human at just 9 months old

Dino dog! World’s biggest puppy bred to recreate an extinct 7,000-year-old monster dog is 6ft tall and already weighs more than the average human at just 9 months old

Euphrates was bred to replicate an ancient species that died out 7,000 years ago

The nine-month-old puppy eats an impressive eight cups of dog food a day

She is a new breed called the American Molossus, selectively bred to be the closest genetic descendent of the Mesopotamian Molossus

세계최대의 개가 아닌 강아지 '유프라테스'

7천년전 멸종된 괴물 강아지의 재현, 세계 최대의 강아지 출현

태어난지 9개월 밖에 안됐는데

일어설 경우 키가 1.8m

몸무게가 자그마치 어른 몸무게인 75kg

일반 강아지가 아닌 개 기준으로 8배를 먹는다.

아메리칸 몰로소스(American Molossus)라는 새로운 품종이다

* 몰로수스(Molossus) 품종은 그리스와 로마인에 의해 사육되었던 개

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator


PUBLISHED: 15:26 GMT, 16 March 2018

A nine-month-old dog that weighs 12 stone (180lb) and stands six-foot-tall (1.8m) may be the world's biggest puppy.

Enormous Euphrates was bred to replicate a prehistoric canine species and eats an impressive eight cups of dog food a day.

Owner Jared Howser, 41, of Salt Lake City, Utah, said onlookers often confuse his puppy for a fully-grown adult.

He said: 'At nine months there simply isn't another dog 180lbs and 31.5 inches to withers anywhere else in the world, she is an anomaly.

'We've looked up online and called the Guinness World Records, reached out to hundreds of breeders to see if any dog comes closer to her size for this age and there's nothing.'

She is a member of a new breed called the American Molossus, selectively bred to be the closest genetic descendent of the Mesopotamian Molossus, a massive dog species that died out 7,000 years ago.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-5509831/Worlds-biggest-puppy-weighs-12-stone-stands-six-feet-tall.html#ixzz5A6iVPOwt 


