VIDEO: How crumple zones save lives 자동차의 생명줄 크럼블존

How crumple zones save lives

*자동차의 크럼블존

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* Crumple zones

The crumple zone is a structural feature mainly used in automobiles and recently incorporated into railcars.[1][2][3]

Crumple zones are designed to absorb the energy from the impact during a traffic collision by controlled deformation by crumpling. This energy is much greater than is commonly realized. A 2,000 kg (4,409 lb) car travelling at 60 km/h (37 mph; 17 m/s), before crashing into a thick concrete wall, is subject to the same impact force as a front-down drop from a height of 14.2 m (47 ft) crashing on to a solid concrete surface.[5] Increasing that speed by 50% to 90 km/h (56 mph; 25 m/s) compares to a fall from 32 m (105 ft)—an increase of 125%.[5] This is because the stored kinetic energy (E) is given by E = (1/2) mass × speed squared. It increases by the square of the impact velocity.




