계산대 없는 수퍼마켓 VIDEO: Amazon opens checkout-free supermarket where customers just walk out as cameras track what they buy

The grocery store where you NEVER have to wait in line: Amazon opens checkout-free supermarket where customers just walk out as cameras track what they buy

'Amazon Go' shop is on the bottom floor of the company's Seattle headquarters 

The grocery store has no checkouts and instead uses cameras to track products 

Shoppers scan their smartphone with the Amazon Go app at a turnstile

They then pick out the items they want and leave, with all charges billed automatically to their Amazon Go account

줄서서 기다리지 않아도 되는 수퍼마켓

아마존은 최근 계산대 없는  '아마존 고(Amazon Go)' 샵을 

1년 이상 시험운영 한 후에  시애틀 본사의 지하층에 선보였다.

이 곳에서는 고객이 구매한 제품을 카메라와 무게측정 센서가 추적해 정보를 


우선 쇼핑객들은 들어올 때 아마존 Go앱이 깔린 스마트폰을 입구에 설치된 

시스템에 스캔한다.

고객들이 원하는 품목을 고르면  아마존 고 계정에 모든 구입 품목이  자동으로 

계산이 되며 나갈 때는 그냥 통과해 나가면 된다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

By Associated Press and Reuters and Harry Pettit For Mailonline

PUBLISHED: 23:13 GMT, 21 January 2018

Amazon has launched its AI-powered checkout-free supermarket today after more than a year of testing.

The 'Amazon Go' supermarket has no checkouts and instead works by tracking what users buy with AI-powered cameras and weight sensors.

The grocery store on the bottom floor of the company's Seattle headquarters allows shoppers to scan their smartphone with the Amazon Go app at a turnstile, pick out the items they want and leave. 

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