만일 나에게 대재앙이 닥친다면 생존법은 VIDEO: How to survive an APOCALYPSE: Expert reveals the five key things city dwellers should do if disaster strikes
How to survive an APOCALYPSE: Expert reveals the five key things city dwellers should do if disaster strikes
This year has seen many natural disasters including hurricanes and wildfires
There are certain things city dwellers can do in preparation for a sudden disaster
People should plan on staying in their homes and cities in most scenarios
It's recommended to have enough water and non-perishable food for three days, a flashlight, batteries, a first aid kit and a solar charger for your phone
만일 당신에게 대재앙이 닥친다면 어떻게 할 것인가?
한해도 이제 한달 남았다. 올해도 허리케인, 대형산불 등 많은 자연재해가 발생했다.
이런 갑작스런 재해에 대비해서 우리가 준비해야 할 것들이 있다.
여기에 전문가에 의한 그 생존법을 소개한다.
우선 재해가 발생했을 경우 무작정 밖으로 뛰쳐나가지 말고 집과 도심에 머물 계획을 세워야 한다.
하지만 즉시 떠날 준비는 하고 있어야 한다.
집을 떠나게 되는 경우에 사전에 주변을 살펴서 보통 집에서 사용하던 가스, 전기, 물을 어디서
대체할 수 있을까 알아야 한다.
3일간 버틸 충분한 물과 상하지 않는 음식물, 플래쉬, 전지, 응급약품 그리고 핸드폰 충전용
태양광충전기를 준비해야 한다.
그리고 전문가들은 당황하지 말고 정신적으로 평정심을 찾도록 노력해야 한다고 권고하고 있다.
이상은 미 플로리다 애틀랜틱대학교의 도시환경대책센터(Center for Urban and Environmental Solutions)
소장인 존렌의 권고사항들이다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator
It's often recommended to have enough water and non-perishable food for three days, and to have an
emergency kit with a flashlight, batteries, a first aid kit and a solar charger for your phone
By Cecile Borkhataria For Dailymail.com
PUBLISHED: 22:09 GMT, 24 November 2017
From Hurricane Irma to the Northern California wildfires, this year has seen its fair share of natural disasters.
These disasters may have you thinking about what you should do in the eventuality one hits your city - how do you prepare and should you think about leaving?
According to an expert, a lot of what drives large-scale evacuations is mass hysteria and fear, and most natural disasters don't require an immediate evacuation because they can be predicted, for example hurricanes.
However, there are certain things city dwellers can do in preparation for a sudden disaster.
John Renne, the Director of the Center for Urban and Environmental Solutions at Florida Atlantic University, told The Week that while people don't necessarily need to evacuate during disasters, they should be prepared for one.
Firstly, Renne recommends that people should plan on staying in their homes and cities as opposed to fleeing.
This is because there aren't many situations where you would need to evacuate an entire city.
And for some types of disasters, such as chemical attacks, it's safer to stay indoors rather than leave.
Even during the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York City, only a small part of the city required evacuation.
It's more common to require evacuating only impacted sections of cities rather than entire cities.
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